Producer: OGUP "Omsk Pharmaceutical Factory" Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N05CM
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Tincture.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: A grass motherwort – 200 g Ethanol (Alcohol of 70%) enough before receiving 1000 ml of the drug Description: transparent liquid of olive-brown color of a slight fragrant smell.Pharmacological properties:
Renders expressed sedative, moderate cardiotonic (slows down a rhythm and increases force of cordial reductions) action, has moderate hypotensive properties.Indications to use:
The increased nervous irritability, sleep disorder, neurasthenia, neurocirculatory dystonia.Route of administration and doses:
Inside in 30 min. prior to food. To adults and children 12 years on 30 – 50 drops of tincture divorced in 1/4 glasses of water, 3 - 4 times a day are more senior. A course of treatment – 3-4 weeks.Features of use:
Content of absolute alcohol in the maximum single dose of drug of 0,55 g, in the maximum daily dose – 2,2 g. During treatment it is necessary to be careful during the driving of motor transport and occupation other potentially dangerous types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.Side effects:
In rare instances allergic reactions, dyspepsia.Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens action of somnolent and analgeziruyushchy means.Contraindications:
Hypersensitivity to drug components, digestive tract erosive cankers (an aggravation phase), pregnancy, the lactation period, children's age (up to 12 years). With care of a disease of a liver, alcoholism, a craniocereberal injury, brain diseases, children's age of 12 years.Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light, at a temperature from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years. Not to apply after a period of validity.Issue conditions:
Without recipe