
Producer: Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co.KG. ("Doctor of Wilmar Schwab Gmbh & Co. KG") Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R01AX30
Pharm group: Nasal drugs
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 25 mg of Cinnabaris D3, 25 mg of Hydrastis D3, 25 mg of Kalium bichromicum D3, 25 mg of Echinacea D1.
Excipients: lactose, magnesium stearate, starch wheat.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Complex homeopathic medicine, is applied to treatment of an inflammation of okolonosovy bosoms. Contains four medicinal substances which in a sovokupost effectively influence many symptoms which are noted at sinusitis.
There is a bystry and permanent reduction of expressiveness of symptoms of sinusitis, such as a stupid headache, dacryagogue, difficulty of nasal breath, an epileptiform neuralgia. At the same time Cinnabaris renders effect in an initial stage of a disease.
The Hydrastis and Kalium bichromicum components are effective mainly at subacute and chronic forms of a disease. All three listed ingredients reduce secretion and exudation of mucous membranes, promoting reduction of their hypostasis, than considerably facilitate nasal breath, lead to weakening of feeling of pressure in the field of a projection of okolonosovy bosoms.
The fourth ingredient — Echinacea, promotes the general strengthening of protective forces of an organism, has the immunostimulating and immunomodulatory effect, increases nonspecific resistance of an organism, accelerates process of recovery at infectious diseases which course is followed by a feverish syndrome, and reduces the frequency of a recurrence.
Hydrargyrum sulfuratum rubrum
The medicine basis — is applied red mercuric sulfide with contents not less than 99,0% and no more than 101,1% of Hg (mercury).
Action orientation according to the doctrine about homeopathic medicines. Are characteristic affine display on mucous membranes of compounds of mercury and tendency to the inflammations which are followed by purulent discharges. Specify typical symptoms of sinusitis in a picture of Cinnabaris medicine. There is cold with a flavovirent viscous, dense secret. Threadlike viscous slime gets from the nasal courses into a nasopharynx and a throat. The feeling of pressure upon a root of a nose is similar to pressure from points, note eye pain, dacryagogue. The patient wakes up from a stupid headache in a forehead.
Site of use: purulent inflammations of adnexal bosoms of a nose.
Hydrastis canadensis
Canadian yellow root
The medicine basis — is applied the dried-up rhizome of Hydrastis canadensis L.
Action orientation according to the doctrine about homeopathic medicines. Leeser describes Hydrastis as deeply getting means for mucous membranes at dense, viscous, slow yellowish viscous allocations, especially in a nasopharynx. Means is shown at catarrhs of okolonosovy bosoms. Specify as the main symptom: resistant, dacryagogue and a stupid headache in a forehead is long not passing painful cold, allocation of a dense secret from the nasal courses.
Site of use: suppuration of mucous membranes, including with formation of ulcers.
Kalium bichromicum
Bichromate potassium.
Medicine basis — potassium dichromate which contains not less than 99,5% and no more than 100,5% of K2Cr2O7.
Action orientation according to the doctrine about homeopathic medicines. Successful use of Kalium bichromicum at inflammations of frontal sinuses and a Highmore's (maxillary) bosom is described. The sites of a mucous membrane struck with an inflammation are covered with the allocated mucopurulent viscous allocations, sometimes with the advent of ulcerations and a mucous membrane ulcers. As the accompanying symptoms note a unilateral, periodic headache, sleep disorders, pressure upon a nose root decreasing at allocation of a secret. Hypersensitivity by cold and an aggravation of symptoms is typical for means in the morning.
Site of use: inflammation of mucous membranes of respiratory tracts.
The purple cone-flower is narrow-leaved
Medicine basis — use fresh bloomers of Echinacea angustifolia DC and/or Echinacea pallida (NUTT) NUTT with roots.
Action orientation according to the doctrine about homeopathic medicines. By results of researches of medicinal homeopathic use of means Echinacea characteristic symptoms, such as the general condition of prostration, dizziness, pressure in temples and a strong fever during the acute period of a respiratory infection were established. Echinacea often apply at the infectious diseases which are followed by a feverish syndrome, purulent wound processes.
Site of use: The supporting treatment at the heavy and followed by a feverish state infections.
Indications to use:
— as a part of complex therapy of an acute and chronic inflammation of adnexal bosoms of a nose (antritis, a frontal sinusitis, etc.).
Route of administration and doses:
At an acute disease to children from 3 to 6 years each 2 h (no more than 6 times/days) before improvement, further - on 1/2 tablets of 3 times/days to an absolute recovery appoint 1 tablet.
To children from 6 to 12 years of years appoint 1 tablet each hour (no more than 7-8 times/days) before improvement, further - on 1 tablets of 2 times/days to an absolute recovery.
To adults and children 12 years are more senior appoint 1 tablet each hour (no more than 12 times/days) before improvement, further - on 1-2 times/days of a tablet 3 to an absolute recovery.
At chronic diseases to children from 3 to 6 years appoint 1/2 tablets of 3 times/days; children are from 6 to 12 years old - on 1 tablets of 2 times/days; to adults and children 12 years are more senior appoint 1 tablet of 3 times/days before improvement of a state.
Course of treatment for prevention of a recurrence at the chronic course of diseases - up to 2 months.
Pill should be taken in 30 min. prior to or in 30 min. after meal, slowly rassasyvy in a mouth. Children from 3 to 5 years are recommended to dissolve a tablet in a small amount of liquid or to give in the crushed look under language.
Features of use:
At Tsinnabsin's use perhaps temporary aggravation of symptoms. In this case the patient has to stop administration of drug and consult with the doctor.
At Tsinnabsin's use use of other medicines is allowed.
The patient has to be informed that in case of lack of therapeutic effect within 3 days drug it is necessary to cancel and consult with the doctor.
Administration of drug Tsinnabsin can exert negative impact on patients with a Gee's disease and a lactose intolerance.
Use of drug TsINNABSIN at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Drug use Tsinnabsin at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation (breastfeeding) is possible only in that case when the estimated advantage for mother exceeds potential risk for a fruit and the child.
Use for children. It is not recommended to appoint drug to children under 3 years because of insufficiency of clinical data.
Side effects:
Are possible: allergic reactions; in isolated cases - skin reactions at which development drug should be cancelled.
After use of drug the increased salivation can be observed (in this case it is necessary to reduce a dose or to stop administration of drug).
Interaction with other medicines:
Medicinal interaction of drug Tsinnabsin with other medicines is not established.
Hypersensitivity to chrome, and also to Echinacea (a purple cone-flower narrow-leaved) or to other kinds of family of a thistle family.
Now about drug overdose cases Tsinnabsin it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
To store at the room temperature (15-25 °C) in the place, dry, unavailable to children. Not to use after the period of validity specified on packaging. Period of validity 3 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 20 pieces of tablets in blisters, on 5 blisters in a cardboard pack (100 pieces).