
Producer: Minskinterkaps Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N07AX02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 400 mg of a glitserilfosforilkholin of hydrate (sincaline of an alfostserat).
Excipients: глицерол, the water purified.
Structure of a cover of the capsule: gelatin, глицерол, sorbitol of 70% solution, the water purified нипагин, нипазол, titanium dioxide, dye ferrous oxide red (E172).
The drug improving behavioural, cognitive reactions, normalizing bioelectric activity of a brain, involution of a psychoorganic syndrome at patients during the posttraumatic period and with vascular pathologies of a brain.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The central holinostimulyator as a part of which 40,5% of metabolic protected sincaline contain (metabolic protection provides release of sincaline in a brain). At hit in an organism it is split under the influence of enzymes on sincaline and glycerophosphate: sincaline participates in biosynthesis of acetylcholine – one of the main mediators of nervous excitement; glycerophosphate is a predecessor of phospholipids (fosfaditilkholin) of a neural membrane. Provides synthesis of acetylcholine and fosfaditilkholin in neyronalny membranes, improves a blood stream and strengthens metabolic processes in the central nervous system, activates a reticular formation. Increases the linear speed of a blood-groove on the party of traumatic damage of a brain, contributes to normalization of spatio-temporal characteristics of spontaneous bioelectric activity of a brain; exerts positive impact on cognitive and behavioural reactions of patients with vascular diseases of a brain.
Improves functions of a brain, influencing pathogenetic factors of an involutional psychoorganic syndrome, changes phospholipidic structure of membranes of neurons and reduces cholinergic activity. Dozozavisimo stimulates allocation of acetylcholine; participating in phosphatidylsincaline synthesis (membrane phospholipid), improves synoptic transfer, plasticity of neyronalny membranes, function of receptors. Does not exert impact on a reproductive cycle and does not possess teratogenic and mutagen action.
Pharmacokinetics. Absorption – 88%, easily gets through a blood-brain barrier (at oral administration concentration in a brain – 45% of that in plasma). It is removed preferential easy, in the form of carbon dioxide (85%), and also kidneys and through intestines (15%).
Indications to use:
- the acute and recovery periods of a severe craniocereberal injury and ischemic stroke, the recovery period of a hemorrhagic stroke proceeding with focal polusharny symptomatology or symptoms of defeat of a brainstem;
- a psychoorganic syndrome against the background of degenerative and involutional changes of a brain;
- chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation;
- cognitive frustration (disturbance of cogitative function, memory, confusion of consciousness, a disorientation, decrease in motivation, initiative and ability of concentration of attention) including at dementia and encephalopathy;
- senile pseudo-melancholy.
Route of administration and doses:
At acute states: inside on 0,8 g (2 capsules) in the morning and 0,4 g (1 capsule) in the afternoon within 6 months.
At chronicities: inside on 0,4 g (1 capsule) 3 times a day, are preferable to food. Duration of treatment makes 3-6 months.
Features of use:
When developing nausea after administration of drug it is necessary to reduce a dose.
Not influence on a possibility of driving of the car, work with the equipment.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, nausea (owing to dopaminergic activation).
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not revealed.
- hypersensitivity;
- pregnancy;
- lactation period.
Symptoms: dyspepsia.
Treatment: gastric lavage, reception of absorbent carbon, symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored in unavailable to children, protected from moisture and light and the place at a temperature not above 25 °C. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 14 capsules in a blister strip packaging, 1 strip packaging in a cardboard box.