Prevention of caries
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1. You brush teeth at least two times a day fluorinated toothpaste. It is the best of all to do it after each meal, and in particular – before going to bed.
2. Daily use a dental floss or special clearers of interdental spaces (for example, interdental brushes of Oral-B, Reach Stim-U-Dent, or Sulcabrush).
3. Adhere to the full-fledged and balanced diet. Limit accidental "having a snack". Eat as little as possible carbohydrate products (sweets, farinaceous food, chips) which particles can settle on the surface of teeth. Try to brush teeth every time soon after reception of viscous food.
4. Consult with the stomatologist about need of additional administration of drugs of fluorine for strengthening of teeth.
5. Ask the doctor about expediency of drawing on a chewing surface of molars (painters) of special sealant (a polymeric sheeting) for their protection from caries.
6. Drink the fluorinated water. Children for prevention of caries need to drink not less than 0,5 liters of the fluorinated water a day.
7. Regularly visit the stomatologist for carrying out survey of an oral cavity and professional toothbrushing.
8. Now new modern ways of protection against caries are developed. So, in one of researches it was shown that the use of chewing gum on xylitol promotes temporary delay of growth of the bacteria causing caries. Besides, the possibility of use of the special structures providing slow release of fluorine in an oral cavity is studied, preventing further development of caries. These structures can be placed in interdental spaces or to fill with them deepenings and cracks on the surface of teeth. Also the production of toothpastes and means for rinsing of a mouth, capable "to heal" carious cavities at early stages is considered.

Caries of teeth