
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M02AX10
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Acting substances: 5 g of chondroitin of sulfate (in terms of 100% substance), 5 g of diclofenac of sodium (in terms of 100% substance), 10 g of a dimethyl sulfoxide.
Excipients: lanolin anhydrous, pental, the stearic acid, water purified vaseline medical.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Chondroitin sulfate – the high-molecular mucopolysaccharide which is slowing down a resorption of a bone tissue and reducing calcium loss. Improves phosphorus-calcium exchange in cartilaginous tissue, accelerates processes of its recovery, slows down processes of a degeneration of cartilaginous tissue. Interferes with a collapse of connecting fabric; inhibits the enzymes causing damage to cartilaginous tissue, stimulates synthesis of glucosaminoglycans.
Promotes recovery of a joint bag and the cartilaginous surfaces of joints, interferes with compression of connecting fabric, carries out a role of lubricant of joint surfaces; normalizes products of intra joint liquid. Reduces morbidity and increases mobility of the affected joints. Slows down progressing of an osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis. Improves quality of life.
Diclofenac-sodium belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPVS), is inhibitor of biosynthesis of prostaglandins. Weakens a rest pain and at the movement, morning constraint, a swelling of joints, improves their functional capacity. Quickly facilitates both spontaneous pain, and an oxycinesia, reduces inflammatory hypostasis.
The dimethyl sulfoxide which is a part of an ointment form has antiinflammatory, analgetic and fibrinolitic effect, promotes the best penetration of active agents (chondroitin of sulfate and diclofenac) through cellular membranes.
Pharmacokinetics. At use of ointment on the unimpaired skin chondroitin sulfate and diclofenac are soaked up slightly and have no the expressed systemic action. The dimethyl sulfoxide with a high speed gets through biological membranes, including through the unimpaired skin, mucous, a cover of microbic cells. Products of metabolism are removed with urine and excrements, and also through lungs and skin.
Indications to use:
Degenerative diseases of joints and backbone: osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis.
Route of administration and doses:
Ointment is applied outwardly, applied 2-3 times a day on area of the affected joint at the rate of 1-2 g on 100-200 cm2 of skin and softly rubbed before full absorption. The ointment column in 1 cm which is squeezed out from a tuba corresponds to 0,3 g.
Features of use:
Ointment should be applied on the unimpaired sites of skin. It is necessary to avoid hit of ointment in eyes, on mucous membranes and open wounds.
At use of Hondroart ointment special precautionary measures are not required.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, hyperemia, itch are in rare instances possible. At emergence of allergic reactions treatment by drug should be stopped, in case of sharp reddening and an itch it is necessary to carry out the desensibilizing therapy.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not established cases of negative medicinal interaction at purpose of Hondroart ointment against the background of therapy by other medicines included in the standard schemes of treatment of degenerative diseases of joints and a backbone.
Hypersensitivity, tendency to bleeding, thrombophlebitises, pregnancy, lactation period.
The overdose phenomena at use of drug are not described.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Ointment ointment for external use of 15 g or 25 g in alyuminevy tubas.