
Producer: JSC Krasnaya zvezda Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M02A B
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">Drugs for topical administration at a pain syndrome at musculoskeletal system diseases
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Structure: in 100 g of ointment contains - pepper of siliculose extract dense - 10,0 g, Dimexidum - 3,0 g, coriander essential oil - 0,25 g, lavender essential oil - 0,25 g, chloroform - 2,5 g; excipients: lanolin anhydrous, vaseline medical.
Pharmacological properties:
Ointment Espol is complex drug. Has analgeziruyushchy, local irritative, antiinflammatory effect. Rubbing in in skin causes expansion of superficial vessels and local improvement of blood circulation. Dimexidum which is a part of ointment has moderate antiseptic effect, promotes penetration through skin of other medicines. Espol well gets into body tissues. The effect occurs in a few minutes after use and reaches a maximum within 20-30 min. Duration of analgesic effect is from 30 min. till 2 o'clock.
Indications to use:
Miositis, neuralgia, lumbago, the lumbosacral radiculitis deforming a spondylosis, bruises without disturbance of integrity of skin, stretching and a rupture of muscles, treatment of effects of dislocations and changes.
Route of administration and doses:
Apply outwardly on the site of skin, directly on a sore point. Slightly 2-3 times a day within 1-10 days rub 2-3 g of ointment. The effect amplifies when imposing over ointment of the dry warming bandage.
Features of use:
Ointment needs to be applied on the small site of skin, gradually, without allowing hit of ointment on the injured skin and mucous membranes. After ointment use carefully to wash up hands. At emergence of side effect to stop rubbing in, the ointment which remained to remove on skin the napkin moistened with soap water.
Side effects:
Emergence of a skin itch, skin peeling is possible.
Individual intolerance of components of drug.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tuba of 30 g