Skin peeling
- Description
- Skin Peeling symptoms
- Skin Peeling reasons
- Treatment of the Peeling of skin
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Peeling - surplus of devitalized cells of epidermis which vozniyokat as a result of disturbance of processes of keratinization and an otyotorzheniye.
Skin Peeling symptoms:
The raised xeroderma is observed, there can be cracks, skin erosion.

Peeling of skin of palms
Skin Peeling reasons:
- The dry cracked erythema (erythema craquele)
- An ichthyosis dominant (cheyoshuyka in the form of a chetyrekhyougolnik) (the hereditary disease, is shown by a peeling and a xeroderma)
- H-ichthyosis linked (cheyoshuyka in shape четырех a square)
- A lupus erythematosus (cheshuyyok in the form of clerical buttons) (a general disease, i.e. not only skin manifestations, but also damage of internals)
- Pink deprive (scales in the form of a collar)
- Psoriasis (silvery sheyolusheniye)
- Scarlet fever (small шелу a muskmelon evaporated juice on a trunk) (infectious disease)
- Seborrheal dermatitis
- Syphilis (secondary)
- Fungal infections (deryomatofitny)
- Chromophytosis (multi-colored; fungus disease)
- Xerosis (xeroderma)
- Scarlet fever (brushes and stoyopa) (infectious disease)
Treatment of the Peeling of skin:
If your skin is shelled, surely apply various moisturizing cosmetics. It is necessary to give preference to the structures made on a fatty basis. Fatty components promote creation of a waterproof barrier between an integument and the air environment that interferes with evaporation of moisture, so necessary for skin. Ordinary vaseline will even be suitable for this purpose, but if you suffer from a long and strong peeling of skin, it is better to address for recommendations the dermatologist who will individually pick up more effective softening and moistening remedies.
In addition to cosmetics for fight against a skin peeling in various zones it is possible to use various medical drugs. For example, masks using an akvaforor – cream with the small maintenance of a hydrocortisone will help to eliminate a skin peeling on hands. Apply it with rather thick layer on hands and put on the gloves from plastic which are previously bought in a drugstore. Leave a mask for the night.
Cream with lower maintenance of a hydrocortisone (0,5%) can be used and for processing of problem zones on a face, it is only necessary to perform the procedure regularly within 1-2 weeks, but no more than 1 time a day. Remember that it drugs and to apply them constantly and thoughtlessly it is impossible.
This therapy is symptomatic, for full elimination of a peeling it is necessary to treat the main zbolevaniye.