
Producer: BELUPO, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics, d.d. Republic of Croatia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D07XC01
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: betamethasone (in the form of Dipropionas) - 0,640 mg that corresponds to 0,500 mg of betamethasone, salicylic acid - 30 mg;
Excipients: oil mineral, vaseline.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. БЕЛОСАЛИК® possesses antiinflammatory, antipruritic, anti-proliferative, keratolytic and antimicrobic actions.
Betamethasone possesses antiinflammatory, antiallergic, anti-proliferative and antipruritic actions. When drawing betamethasone has bystry and strong effect in the inflammation center on the surface of skin, reducing expressiveness of objective symptoms (an erythema, hypostasis, lichenification) and subjective feelings (an itch, irritation, pain).
Salicylic acid due to keratolytic action clears sites of defeat of scales, promotes penetration of betamethasone into skin, supports acid medium of skin, preventing development of a bacterial and fungal infection.
Indications to use:
БЕЛОСАЛИК® apply to therapy of the subacute and chronic dermatosis sensitive to outside corticosteroid therapy which are followed by a hyperkeratosis and a peeling.
Psoriasis, eczema (disgidrotichesky, seborrheal, tilotichesky), neurodermatitis, red flat deprive, a chronic diskoidny lupus erythematosus, an ichthyosis and ichthyotic damages of skin, etc.
Route of administration and doses:
The drug BELOSALIK® in the form of ointment for external use is intended for use on smooth skin.
БЕЛОСАЛИК® ointment is applied twice a day. A small amount of ointment is evenly distributed on the surface of skin, slightly rubbing. In mild cases enough disposable.
The course of treatment, as a rule, makes 3-4 weeks. In need of longer course of therapy it is recommended to use drug less often, for example, every other day. At therapy of chronic diseases treatment it is necessary to continue still some time after disappearance of all symptoms under observation of the doctor to avoid a disease recurrence. Within a year perhaps numerous repetition of therapy.
Features of use:
БЕЛОСАЛИК® ointment is intended only for external use on skin and/or a pilar part of the head.
It is necessary to avoid hit in eyes and on mucous membranes. Prolonged use of ointment on face skin in connection with possible development of dermatitis as a rozatse, perioral dermatitis, an atrophy of skin and an acne is not recommended. It is necessary to avoid use of drug in anogenitalny area.
Use of drug under an occlusive bandage, except for cases is not recommended, when necessary. At development of fungal or bacterial microflora on skin additional use of antibacterial or antifungal agent is necessary.
Influence on ability to manage vehicles and mechanisms
Data on an adverse effect of the drug BELOSALIK® on ability to manage vehicles and mechanisms are not available.
Side effects:
By-effects, as a rule, have slight character. Hypersensitivity reaction (an itch, burning or redness) can develop. Seldom, as well as at use of other glucocorticosteroids, aknepodobny changes, hypopigmentation, striya, a skin atrophy, a hypertrichosis, teleangiectasias, consecutive infections of skin can develop.
At prolonged continuous use and on big sites of skin topical administration of betamethasone can cause the system by-effects connected with suppression of function of bark of adrenal glands.
In case of reaction of hypersensitivity or by-effects therapy it is necessary to cancel and see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Clinically reliable interactions with other medicines are noted. Simultaneous use of cosmetic and dermatological means for therapy of an acne, the means containing ethanol or medical soap with the expressed drying effect, etc. can cause irritation of skin in certain cases.
Hypersensitivity to betamethasone, salicylic acid or to any of auxiliary components of drug.
Tuberculosis cutis, skin displays of syphilis, chicken pox, viral infections of skin, skin postvaccinal reactions, open wounds, trophic ulcers, a rozatsea, vulgar eels, children's age up to 6 months.
With care
Liver failure, children's age, long therapy, especially with use of occlusive bandages.
Pregnancy and period of a lactation
Topical administration of the drug BELOSALIK® at pregnant women is allowed when the estimated advantage for mother exceeds risk for a fruit. In such cases use of drug has to be short and be limited to small sites of integuments.
During breastfeeding use of the drug BELOSALIK® is possible according to strict indications, but at the same time drug cannot be applied on skin of a mammary gland before feeding.
Use in pediatrics
Use of the drug BELOSALIK® for children has to be short at observance of strict measures of precaution as children have a danger of system absorption in proportion of bigger amount of active components because of dominance of the area of integuments over body weight and an insufficient maturity of epidermis. It is not necessary to use drug at children under bandages and, especially under the plasticized diapers that can increase risk of development of the undesirable phenomena.
At long continuous use of a combination of betamethasone and salicylic acid, especially at children, on the extensive surfaces of skin, when drawing on skin with the broken integrity or when using under an occlusive bandage the strengthened absorption of active components and manifestation of system effects (secondary adrenal insufficiency, a hypercorticoidism, Cushing's syndrome) is not excluded. In this case drug withdrawal and symptomatic therapy is recommended.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature not above 25 °C.
To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Ointment for external use.
On 30 g in aluminum tubas. The opening of a tuba is protected by a membrane. For closing of a tuba the polyethylene lid with cutting and a pin is used. The tuba is placed in a cardboard pack together with the application instruction.