
Producer: Schering-Plough Corp. (Shering-Plau of Box.) USA
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D07XC01
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: betamethasone Dipropionas of 0,64 mg (0,5 mg of betamethasone are equivalent) and salicylic acid of 30 mg.
Excipients: liquid paraffin, vaseline.
Pharmacological properties:
The combined drug on the basis of two active ingredients - betamethasone of Dipropionas and salicylic acid. Betamethasone Dipropionas - the synthetic fluorinated glucocorticosteroid (GKS) - has antiinflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictive effect.
At topical administration salicylic acid possesses keratolytic, and also bacteriostatic and some fungicidal action.
Indications to use:
Reduction of inflammatory manifestations of a dry and giperkeratichesky dermatosis sensitive to therapy of GKS, including - psoriasis, chronic atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis (chronic simple depriving), flat depriving, eczemas (including monetovidny eczema, eczema of hands, eczematic dermatitis), a dyshydrosis, seborrheal dermatitis of a pilar part of the head, an ichthyosis and other ikhtiozopodobny states.
Route of administration and doses:
Outwardly. To put with a thin layer 2 times a day - in the morning and for the night, completely covering affected areas of skin. At some patients of the supporting effect it is possible to reach less frequent applications. - to apply to children aged from 2 up to 12 years with a thin layer on the small site of skin 1 or 2 times a day within no more than 1 week.
Features of use:
If against the background of use of drug the irritation or a hyper sensitization developed, treatment should be stopped. In case of accession of an infection it is necessary to appoint the corresponding therapy. At topical administration of GKS, especially at children, the side effects characteristic of system GKS, including function oppression гипоталамо - pituitary and adrenal system can be noted.
System absorption of GKS and salicylic acid at their topical administration will be higher when using occlusive bandages, and also if extensive body surfaces are exposed to treatment.
At prolonged treatment by drug its cancellation is recommended to be carried out gradually.
Drug is not intended for use in ophthalmology. It is necessary to avoid hit in eyes and on mucous membranes.
Side effects:
The undesirable phenomena which met when using local GKS included burning, an itch, irritation, a xeroderma, a folliculitis, a hypertrichosis, an acne - similar rashes, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, a purpura, teleangiectasias, a local hirsutism, dermatitis. The following phenomena arose at use of occlusive bandages more often: maceration of skin, consecutive infection, atrophy of skin, striya and heat rash.
At emergence of the side reactions which are not described in the present instruction it is necessary to see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Any interaction of drug Diprosalik ointment with other medicines is not registered.
- Hypersensitivity to any of drug components.
- Children's age up to 2 years.
- Pregnancy (prolonged treatment in high doses).
- Lactation period.
- Pink eels, perioral dermatitis.
- Bacterial, viral or fungal infection of skin (pyoderma, syphilis, tuberculosis cutis, Herpes simplex, chicken pox, Herpes zoster, actinomycosis, zymonematosis, sporotrichosis).
- Trophic ulcers against the background of chronic venous insufficiency.
- Skin tumors (carcinoma cutaneum, nevus, atheroma, epithelioma, melanoma, hemangioma, xanthoma, sarcoma).
- Postvaccinal skin reactions.
With care.
Children's age up to 12 years, a liver failure, prolonged treatment, use on extensive sites of skin, use of occlusive bandages.
Use during pregnancy and a lactation.
Because safety of use of local GKS for pregnant women is not established, purpose of this class of medicines during pregnancy is justified only if the potential advantage for mother surpasses potential risk for a fruit.
Drugs of this class should not be used during pregnancy in high doses or long time.
As so far it is not found out whether the level of system absorption of local GKS is sufficient for emergence of their defined concentration in mother's milk, it is necessary to stop either feeding by a breast, or drug use, considering as far as its use is necessary for mother.
Symptoms. Prolonged use of local GKS in high doses can cause the oppression of function of pituitary and adrenal system leading to secondary insufficiency of function of adrenal glands and the phenomena of a hypercorticoidism including Cushing's syndrome. Prolonged use in high doses of the drugs containing salicylic acid can lead to poisoning with salicylic acid.
Treatment. The corresponding symptomatic treatment is shown. Acute symptoms of a hypercorticoidism are usually reversible. If necessary - correction of an electrolytic imbalance. In case of chronic toxicity gradual cancellation of GKS is recommended. At overdose of salicylates treatment also symptomatic. It is necessary to take measures to the fastest removal of salicylates from an organism, for example, sodium bicarbonate intake (for urine alkalization) and forcing of a diuresis.
Storage conditions:
To store in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Ointment for external use. On 30 g in the aluminum tubas processed by an epoxy varnish and which are closed a membrane and the screw-on polyethylene cap with the perforator for opening of a membrane. On one tuba together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.