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Seborrheal dermatitis


Seborrheal dermatitis — the chronic inflammatory disease affecting those sites of head skin and trunk on which sebaceous glands are developed.

Symptoms of Seborrheal dermatitis:

Seborrheal dermatitis in typical cases affects those sites of an integument which are characterized by considerable development of sebaceous glands and their superactivity. As characteristic clinical symptoms of a disease the peeling and an inflammation of skin which are followed by an itch are considered. Classical option is symmetric involvement in pathological process of skin of a volosisyoty part of the head, border of growth of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, areas of moustaches and a beard, nasolabial folds, skin of outside acoustical passes and zaushny areas. Seborrheal dermatitis of a trunk is, as a rule, localized in a breast, pleated bodies, including axillary, inguinal, area of a navel, skin under mammary glands and anogenitalny area. In hard cases of this zaboleaniye can have the nature of widespread exfoliative process up to an erythrosis.
One of characteristics of seborrheal dermatitis on skin of a pilar part of the head is existence of small mukovidny white scales though in some cases the peeling can accept also macrolaminar character. This option of a current is characterized by lack of ostrovospalitelny changes on skin and is considered as dry seborrhea. Many patients in the presence of dandruff show complaints to a skin itch. According to a number of patients, these scales appear from behind a xeroderma, therefore they prefer to wash less often the head that actually promotes further accumulation of scales and increase in dandruff and further comes to an end with emergence of inflammatory changes of skin. It is necessary to notice that in some cases the inflammatory erythema not always visually is defined on a scalp because of massive stratification.
Heavier displays of seborrheal dermatitis on a pilar part of the head are characterized by the erythematic spots and plaques covered with mukovidny or grease scales, and in some cases the yellowish cheshuyko-crusts and hemorrhagic crusts appearing owing to having combed. At a number of patients the area of defeat can occupy the line of growth of hair and skin of a forehead.
Displays of seborrhea on a face, zaushny areas, skin of acoustical passes, as a rule, are defined in the form of the erythematic shelled centers which are followed by an itch. At localization of defeat on a face patients can complain of a burning sensation in the sites of skin affected with seborrhea. In some cases on skin of cheeks, a forehead, nososhchechny folds papules as result of infiltration of inflammatory spots can appear. Seborrhea often becomes clinically expressed when the men having this disease let grow moustaches and a beard, and regresses when are depilated a face. If treatment is not carried out, the peeling can become considerable, at the same time scales become thick, yellow and grease and in some cases the consecutive bacterial infection joins.

Reasons of Seborrheal dermatitis:

The causative agent of dermatitis is Malassezia furfur.
Now it is known that these drozhzhepodobny lipophilic mushrooms are a constant component of normal microflora of skin more than at 90% of the population. At the same time its oval form — Pityrosporum ovale(P. ovale) meets on skin of a pilar part of the head more often, and round — Pityrosporum orbiculare (P. orbiculare) — on trunk skin. Mushrooms concentrate around sebaceous glands and use their secret as a source of the fatty acids necessary for mushrooms for growth and development.
Under certain conditions the organism loses ability to control growth of pitirosporovy mushrooms and to hold them in a saprophytic state. At the same time, if normal microflora of a pilar part of the head contains 46% of P. ovale, then at dandruff (SD weak form) it for 74% consists of them, and at SD the quantity of mushrooms reaches 83%. Thus, it is established that at clinically expressed SD rapid growth of P. ovale is observed. It is noted also that P. ovale has lipazny activity due to effect of the lipolytic enzymes splitting skin fat on free fatty acids which, on the one hand, are necessary for its growth and on the other hand — provoke a skin inflammation in areas of its colonizations. There is a point of view that SD is inflammatory reaction to this microorganism, however it is considered that this assumption still demands proofs.

Treatment of Seborrheal dermatitis:

Treatment of seborrheal dermatitis is quite difficult process. If the woman has this disease, then she needs to pay attention to settlement of a menstrual cycle. Seborrheal dermatitis treatment assumes also treatment of all pathological deviations in the patient's organism (a nervous system, internals). Only then it is possible to achieve the most effective result. It is also important to carry out necessary measures for the prevention of seborrhea. Natural medical and preventive factors best of all are suitable for regulation of fatty functions of skin. First of all, of course, it is necessary to observe strictly hygienic measures (as for fat skin). It is necessary to take baths with mineral water, it is more time to happen in the fresh air, to sunbathe in the sun. Patients need to avoid the use of tinned, fat, hot dishes. It is necessary to eat more vegetables, fruit, lactic products. Besides, the healthy sleep, physical exercises is necessary for the people having this disease.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Seborrheal dermatitis:

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