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Erythrosis — the general term relating to many damages of skin (including an erythroderma — option of the T-cellular lymphoma); generalized erubescence with the expressed macrolaminar peeling is characteristic. Frequency — 1% of all hospitalization concerning skin diseases, are ill more often than the man (2:1) 40 years are more senior.

Erythrosis symptoms:

In initial stages:
At the acute beginning or development of a disease against the background of exudative dermatitis — thinning of epidermis, an erythema, exudation with in posledstviiduyushchy formation of crusts. An exacerbation of an associated disease, then a melkoplastinchaty generalized peeling with a nekordinalny erythema and lichenification of integuments.
In the absence of an associated disease — preferential damage of skin of a trunk, crotch and head, then — generalization of defeats.
In in posledstviiduyushchy:
Severe itch, feeling of a thickening of skin, dryness of mucous membranes, dystrophy of nails, baldness; indisposition, tachycardia, fever, increase in body temperature; lymphadenopathy; increase in a liver, increase in a spleen (in the presence of the accompanying lymphoma or a leukosis; gynecomastia; steatorrhea.

Erythrosis reasons:

- Toksikodermiya
- Lymphoma
- Contact dermatitis
- Atonic dermatitis
- Cancer large intestine
- Fungus diseases
- HIV infection
- Ikhtiozoformny dermatosis
- Leukosis
- Flat deprive
- Cancer lungs
- Myeloma
- Leaflike pemphigus
- Photodermatites
- Deprive red hair
- Psoriasis
- Pyoderma
- Rayter's syndrome
- Mange
- Seborrheal dermatitis
- Syndrome of Sezary
- Disease Laila
- Congestive dermatitis
- Toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Genetic aspects. 2 inherited forms are so far identified (173200, ED, pityriasis rubra pilaris; 270300, р, inborn exfoliative keratosis).

Treatment of the Erythrosis:

Cancellation of the products causing an aggravation of skin process;
Treatment of associated diseases, antibiotics or antifungal means — at superinfection;
At the obscure etiology — symptomatic therapy; possibly unexpected treatment.
Medicinal therapy:
Glucocorticoids, for example Prednisolonum of 40 mg/days inside, in the absence of effect increase a dose by 20 mg/days each 3 — 4 days (no more than 100 mg/days). Further the dose is reduced to a podderzhivayushcheyglyukokortikoida locally — at the localized defeats.
Glucocorticoids should be used with discretion at the exfoliative dermatitis caused by atonic or seborrheal dermatitis.
Contraindications — exfoliative dermatitis at psoriasis.
Antihistamines — for removal of an itch.
At an erythrosis owing to psoriasis — a methotrexate, этретинат, phototherapy and other specific methods of treatment.
At the erythrosis caused by fungoid mycosis - photochemotherapy.
At the erythrosis caused by red hair it is deprived — изотретиноин.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Erythrosis:

  • Препарат ПРЕДНИЗОЛОН.


    Corticosteroids for system use. Glucocorticoids.

    CIAO Biofarm Ukraine


  • Препарат Дексаметазон.



    JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia


  • Препарат Преднизолон.


    Corticosteroids for system use. Glucocorticoids.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Ц-дерм.


    Glucocorticosteroid highly active for external use.

    LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Ц-дерм А.

    Ts-dermas And

    Glucocorticosteroid for topical administration + an antibiotic.

    LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Гидрокортизон.


    Glucocorticosteroid for topical administration.

    JSC Sintez Russia

  • Препарат Фокорт-Дарница.


    Corticosteroids for use in dermatology. Triamcinolonum.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Бетаметазон.


    Corticosteroids for use in dermatology.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Преднизолон, мазь 0,5% .

    Prednisolonum, ointment of 0,5%

    Corticosteroids for use in dermatology.

    JSC Krasnaya zvezda Ukraine

  • Препарат Ретинола пальмитат.

    Retinolum palmitate

    Simple vitamin means.

    CJSC FNPP Retinoidy Rossiya

  • Препарат Преднизолон.


    Glucocorticosteroid for topical administration.

    JSC Sintez Russia

  • Препарат Фторокорт.


    Glucocorticosteroid for topical administration.

    Gedeon Richter (Gideon Richter) Hungary

  • Препарат Глутоксим®.



    CJSC Pharm VAM Russia

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