DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Dermatology Vulgar sycosis

Vulgar sycosis


The staphylococcal, or vulgar sycosis is chronic recurrent piodermity which arises generally at men. At this disease usually osteofolliculites and folliculites are located on nose wings, in eyebrows, axillary hollows, on edge a century, on a pubis. Single osteofolliculites at first appear on small sites of skin, but over time they extend further. Around them there is an inflammatory infiltrate because of what there is a consolidation of the pathological site, it becomes painful, cyanotic-red color. At expansion of the center of defeat in it there is a large number of osteofolliculites therefore the whole conglomerate of pustules is formed. When pustules are opened, pus shrinks and lurid crusts which stick together with hair are formed. Removed from the center of damage of hair in the root part has the zhelatinopodobny coupling which represents the epithelial vagina of a hair impregnated with pus. Existence of a vulgar sycosis long, within several years, with periodic aggravations. Quite often in the field of a sycosis the pricking, a slight itch or burning is noted.

Symptoms of the Vulgar sycosis:

The sycosis usually on a pilar part of the face, in moustaches and a beard is localized, is more rare — on the internal surface of wings of a nose, eyebrows, edge a century, is much more rare on other sites of skin covered with long hair (in axillary hollows, on a pubis, etc.).
The sycosis begins with formation of the small superficial follicles which are close the friend to a durg at any certain place in the form of disks, and then extending to big sites of an integument. The initial folliculitis arises suddenly and quickly disappears, and it is succeeded by a large number of deep follicles, process becomes long and gets a picture, typical for a sycosis.
Skin is inflamed, the affected area reddens, swells up a little, becomes painful, its surface becomes covered by a large number of pustules which often are located very closely to each other and sit on the condensed reddened basis. Pustules quickly dry up and the emitted pus forms lurid or chartreuse crusts which disappear on an affected area, and then on the same place new appear; under crusts there is a becoming wet surface. Reddening can go beyond the main center.
The isolated impetigo elements which then merge with the main center are disseminated through the periphery of a disk on not changed skin. Pustules are penetrated by the hair which are easily deleted by tweezers.
Against the background of the superficial follicular pustules which are continuously arising one by one inflammatory infiltration of skin accrues.
Observations show that persistent cold (chronic rhinitis) loosening skin of an upper lip and rubbing in in skin at a smorkaniye of the slime containing staphylococcus can provoke a sycosis; imetiginozny processes of face skin; the century often precedes an edge sycosis chronic conjunctivitis; development of a sycosis is frequent connect with the injuries got when shaving, removal (vyryvaniye) of hair from a nose (that promotes development of a sycosis on the internal surface of wings of a nose and a nasal partition).
Subjective feelings can be various and are not always identical: in one cases they almost completely otsustvut, in others — patients show complaints to burning, sadneny skin, pain, a skin itch.
Prolonged treatment of a disease, arrangement of defeats on a face often serve as the reason of oppressed mood, mental depression, irritability.
Current of a sycosis very long, the disease is inclined to a recurrence and gradual distribution.
The current and the forecast depend on the general condition of the patient, timely and rationally carried out treatment.

Reasons of the Vulgar sycosis:

At well studied disease etiology (staphylococcal flora) the pathogeny of a long, persistent sycosis is up to the end not studied. Disturbance of an innervation of the grease and hair device which leads to change of the structure separated, becoming the good environment for reproduction and development of pathogenic stafilokokk is supposed. Besides, decrease in immunological body resistance is of great importance, an important role is played by neuroendocrinal frustration. Development of a sycosis is promoted by the exogenous reasons which treat: skin cuts during shaving, maceration (damages) of skin near by at frequent cold.

Treatment of the Vulgar sycosis:

Treatment is long. It is necessary to fight against exogenous factors, i.e. to treat local infections, to improve working conditions on production, first of all sanitary and hygienic. Use outwardly of disinfectants is of great importance. It is solution of Aethacridinum of a lactate 1: 1000, permanganate 1 potassium solution: 3000, 2% solution of boric acid, ointment and the creams containing antibiotics and steroid hormones, a sintomitsinovy emulsion, aniline dyes, boron-tar ointment. In especially persistent cases appoint antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity. The autohemotherapy, group B vitamins, erythema doses of ultra-violet radiation is shown.

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