Solar erythema
Solar erythema - damage of skin sunshine. The solar erythema is not always dangerous, but some preventions nevertheless are necessary.
Symptoms of the Solar erythema:
* You strongly burned in the sun, but realized it only several hours later. Any time you will not be able to be in the sun until the burned skin descends.
* There is a redness on skin. Usually it occurs if you long stay in the open air.
* The hot shower causes an unpleasant feeling, and it is, perhaps, the first sign of a solar erythema.
* The itch amplifies.
* There can be blisters which burst and exude afterwards.
* Through some time the burned skin peels.
Reasons of the Solar erythema:
* The erythema is caused by excessive influence of ultraviolet rays.
* People with white, sensitive skin are especially subject to it; only swarty people can be in the sun a long time, without being afraid for the skin.
* The burn can be promoted by use of oils and lotions for suntan.
Treatment of the Solar erythema:
At treatment antihistaminic and antifebrile drugs, tranquilizers apply the B1, B2, B12, PP, C vitamins, salicylic acid hyposensibilizing. On skin apply hormonal creams or ointments. Patients are recommended to keep to a diet, to be protected from sunshine and to use sun-protection creams.