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Disgidrotichesky dermatitis (Помфоликс)


The term "pomfoliks" comes from the Greek word "bubble"; it is convenient to them to designate dermatitis which makes 20% of all defeats of brushes. There is also a term disgidrotichesky eczema (or disgidrotichesky dermatitis) connected with the unproven assumption of value of a superactivity of sweat glands in its emergence. Some authors do not recognize the term "pomfoliks" and apply instead of it the names "incidental vezikulobullezny eczema of palms and soles" or "eczema of brushes and feet".

Symptoms Disgidratichesky dermatitis (Pomfoliks):

Помфоликс it is shown by deeply located vesicles reminding grain. In 80% of cases the side surfaces of fingers are surprised; at 10% of patients soles also are involved in process; at 10% — only soles. Development of rashes is quite often preceded by temperature increase of skin, feeling of a pricking; the erythema meets seldom.

Reasons Disgidratichesky dermatitis (Pomfoliks):

Etiological factors precisely they are unknown. Помфоликс can be display of atopic dermatitis, nummulyarny dermatitis, contact dermatitis, allergic reaction to metals (especially nickel), an infection. Emotional stresses sometimes aggravate the course of a disease, however are not its reason.

Treatment Disgidratichesky dermatitis (Pomfoliks):

The majority of "flashes" of a dermatosis are allowed spontaneously within 1-3 weeks. Nevertheless it is reasonable to hold medical events. Lotions with subaluminum acetate (Burov's liquid), and also weak emollients are for this purpose applied. Large bubbles drain, and at emergence of consecutive infection an antibioticotherapia is shown. Strong corticosteroids (including in the form of occlusive bandages) appoint at acute a current of a dermatosis. In rare instances recommend corticosteroids orally. Drysol is shown if the disease becomes aggravated at the increased sweating. Deterioration in a current of a dermatosis after stresses testifies to need of rest and reception of sedatives. At giperkeratozny chronic forms keratolytic drugs, tar, ultraviolet rays and even PUVA-therapy are effective (Psoralenum in combination with UFA).

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment Disgidratichesky dermatitis (Pomfoliks):

  • Препарат Акридерм® СК.

    Акридерм® SK

    Glucocorticoid + Keratolitik.

    JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia


  • Препарат Предникарб-Дарница, мазь по 15 г в тубах.

    Prednikarb-Darnitsa, ointment on 15 g in tubas

    Dermatological means.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Белосалик.


    Glucocorticoids in combinations.

    BELUPO, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics, d.d. Republic of Croatia

  • Препарат Дипросалик.


    Glucocorticoid + Keratolitik.

    Schering-Plough Corp. (Shering-Plau of Box.) USA

  • Препарат Бетасалик.


    Corticosteroids for use in dermatology.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Акридерм® .


    Glucocorticosteroid for topical administration.

    JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia

  • Препарат Редерм.


    Glucocorticosteroid for topical administration.

    CJSC Verteks Russia

  • Препарат Бетасалин.


    Corticosteroids in a combination with antimicrobic drugs.

    LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Белосалик.


    Glucocorticoids in combinations.

    BELUPO, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics, d.d. Republic of Croatia

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