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Brill's disease


Brill's disease – the remote endogenous recurrence of a sapropyra which is characterized by a sporadichnost in the absence of a pediculosis.

Strikes in several years recovered after the postponed typhus of persons during their residence in the countries where this disease is widespread.

Symptoms of the Disease of Brill:

Brill's disease differs from a sapropyra in easier current, moderate temperature reaction (sometimes — subfebrile condition) with the shortened fever period. As well as at a sapropyra, the dieback develops to 5 — to the 6th day of a disease, however the number of elements are less, rash can be only rozeolezny, without petechias. In certain cases the dieback remains only 1 — 2 day.
For sure diagnosis reactions of binding of a specific complement, microscopic agglutination and immunofluorescent antibodies are of great value. At Brill's disease specific fixators appear for the 4th days after the beginning of a disease; antibodies belong to the class IgG, and the peak of their concentration is reached on 8 — the 10th days of a disease. Credits of specific antibodies at primary attack of an epidemic sapropyra are defined later, approximately on 8 — the 12th days of a disease, and the maximum value of a caption is reached approximately for the 16th days after the beginning of a disease.

Brill etiologies:

The activator — Provatsek's rickettsia, it is probable at a part had a sapropyra it is long remains in an organism. However the recurrence reasons in the remote period are unknown.

Treatment of the Disease of Brill:

Appoint tetracycline for 0,3 - 0,4 in 6 h within 4-5 days. According to indications use symptomatic and pathogenetic means.

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