DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Dermatology (Deprive) the surrounding herpes

(Deprive) the surrounding herpes


Shingles (herpes) is a manifest form of the reactive Varicella zoster virus at which asymmetric defeat of one or two skin dermatomes is observed. The disease arises in the spring more often. In a latent phase the infected organism owns immunity. The virus is transmitted through direct contact in case of rashes. Transmission of infection is possible at immunoskompromentirovanny persons through a respiratory secret.

The reasons of the Surrounding herpes:

The disease is caused by the Varicella zoster virus (a virus of chicken pox). At the children who had in the childhood chicken pox, this virus  disappears in nervous cells in an inactive state, and in many years, under the influence of advantage factors, is capable to cause shingles. Diseases 5 times more often it is shown against the background of reduced immunity. During reactivation the virus extends on all organism and during a disease it can be allocated from contents of bubbles, saliva, the lacrimal liquid. Getting into a nervous system, it is localized preferential in borders of peripheral sensitive neuron of a spinal ganglion and extends on all central nervous system.
Partial denervation takes place. In a back sensitive ganglion the inflammation, hemorrhagic necroses develops. At shingles (herpes) also peripheral nerves, but also substance back both a brain and a meninx are involved in process not only spinal and brain a ganglion.

Varicella Zoster, вызывающий опоясывающий лишай

Varicella Zoster causing shingles

Symptoms of the Surrounding herpes:

Clinical displays of shingles (herpes) consist of skin manifestations and neurologic disturbances. All-infectious symptoms include temperature increase, increase in lymph nodes, changes of composition of liquor (a moderate lymphocytosis and increase in protein content) and blood (a lymphocytosis, a monocytosis). Patients complain of unpleasant feelings on skin which fluctuate from an itch and a pricking to severe pain. Pain differs in constant, monotonous character. The dizesteziya (a sensitivity perversion is observed at a touch) and a hyperalgesia.
The active phase is shown by erythematic makulopapulezny rash which develops further in vesicular. At the majority the neuropathic itch develops. Anesthesia spreads to all types of sensitivity, sometimes on dissociative type. Sensitive spinal a ganglion are surprised on axes x arrangements, vesicles are located  along separate dermatomes.

Кожная сыпь при опоясывающем герпесе

Skin rash at the surrounding herpes


At 60% of the patients with the surrounding herpes post-herpetic neuralgia develops. It is chronic neuropathic pain which arises in a month after fading of skin rash. Its intensity is various.
Other complications include офтальмогерпес, Hunt's syndrome, a herpetic ganglionitis, a myelitis, etc.

Treatment of the Surrounding herpes:

The uncomplicated course of a disease terminates safely and independently even without drug treatment. However, in order to avoid development of terrible complications, it is necessary to pay attention to treatment and hospitalization of persons with immunodeficiencies, and also elderly patients.
For treatment of the surrounding herpes (depriving) use an arsenal of antiviral drugs which reduce degree and duration of virus replication, quickly reduce clinical manifestations and reduce risk of development of complications.
The acyclovir (Zovirax) is applied by per os in a dose of 800 mg a course of 7 days, the form for intravenous injections assumes a dosage of 10 mg/kg. Valatsiklovir (Вальтрекс) each 8 hours within 1 week apply in a dose 1000 mg. Famtsiklovir (Famvir) also appoint per os on 500 mg of 7 days.
Except anti-virus drugs apply anesthetics, antidepressants, antikonvulsant and a symptomatic treatment.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Surrounding herpes:

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