
Producer: LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J05AX05
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 500 mg of a metizoprinol (inosine пранобекс).
Excipients: povidone, magnesium stearate, corn starch.
Antiviral and immunomodulator.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Active agent inosine пранобекс (a complex of inosine and salt of the 4-acetamidobenzoic acid with 1-dimethylamino-2-propyl alcohol in a molar ratio 1:3) shows direct antiviral and immunomodulatory action. Antiviral action is caused by linkng with ribosomes of the cells affected with a virus that slows down synthesis virus i-RNK (disturbance of a transcription and broadcasting) and leads to RNA replication oppression - and DNA-genomic viruses. The mediated action is explained by induction of formation of interferon. The immunomodulatory effect is caused by influence on T lymphocytes (activation of synthesis of cytokines) and increase in phagocytal activity of macrophages.
Inosine пранобекс influences a differentiation pre-T-limfotsitov, their ability to formation of lymphokines, a ratio between subpopulations T-helperov and T-suppressors (the immunoregulatory CD4/CD8 index is recovered). Inosine increases products interleykina-2 lymphocytes and promotes an expression of receptors for this Interlaken on lymphoid cells; stimulates phagocytal activity of macrophages, promotes increase in antitelprodutsiruyushchy cells in an organism from the first days of treatment. Stimulates also synthesis interleykina-1, a mikrobitsidnost, an expression of membrane receptors and ability to react to lymphokines and chemotactic factors. Use of inosine of a pranobeks at a herpes infection promotes acceleration of formation of specific antiherpetic antibodies, reduction of expressiveness of clinical manifestations and frequencies of a recurrence. Immunozin has a hypotoxicity. It is possible to use at patients of advanced age with stenocardia and a chronic circulatory unefficiency.
Pharmacokinetics. Absorption. After intake it is well soaked up from a GIT. Meal inosine of a pranobeks and linearity of its pharmacokinetics in blood does not exert impact on absorption. Cmax of active agent (inosine) in a blood plasma is defined by 1-2 h. Pharmacological action is shown approximately in 30 min. and lasts to 6 h.
Metabolism. Quickly is exposed to metabolism. Active component inosine is metabolized to similarly endogenous purine nucleotides with formation of uric acid which level in blood serum can sometimes increase. Formation of crystals of uric acid in uric ways is as a result possible. Auxiliary components of active ingredient are metabolized to the oxidized and glucuronic derivatives (N-N-dimethylamino-2-propranolon - to N-oxide, and para-acetamidobenzoate - to au acylglucuronide). The Kumulyatsionny effect in an organism is not revealed.
Removal. The elimination half-life (T1/2) of inosine makes 50 min. Active and auxiliary components of active ingredient are brought by kidneys with urine in not changed view out of an organism and in the form of metabolites Elimination of active component and its metabolites comes from an organism during 24-48 h.
Indications to use:
— Infections of skin and the mucous membranes caused by herpes simplex viruses like I or type II (herpes simplex), and also diseases, the caused Varicella zoster virus (chicken pox and shingles).
— A human papillomavirus infection of anogenitalny area, sharp-pointed condylomas, as addition to therapy chemical, CO2-lazernoy, крио and electrocoagulative destruction.
— Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
— The immunodeficiency caused by viral infections in patients with the weakened immune system.
Route of administration and doses:
Immunozin accept inside after food 3-4 times a day at regular intervals, washing down with a small amount of water. If necessary the tablet can be chewed. At children under 6 years Immunozin's tablet before the use needs to be crushed and/or dissolved in a small amount of liquid, in connection with the increased risk of aspiration. Duration of treatment is defined by character, disease severity, frequency of a recurrence, etc. The course of treatment averages 5–14 days. After a 7-10-day break if necessary the course can be repeated. Treatment with breaks and maintenance doses can last from 1 to 6 months.
The recommended doses and schemes of use of drug:
- Labial herpes, chicken pox and shingles: adult — 2 tablets 3–4 times a day; children — a daily dose at the rate of 50 mg/kg in 3–4 receptions for 10–14 days (before disappearance of symptoms).
- Genital herpes: during the acute period 2 tablets 3 times a day for 5–6 days; during remission a maintenance dose — 2 tablets (1000 mg) of 1 times a day — up to 6 months.
- The infections caused by a papillomavirus of the person: on 2 tablets 3 times a day, a course of treatment of 14-28 days; at a combination with cryotherapy or CO2 laser therapy — 2 tablets 3 times a day for 5 days, 3 courses at an interval of 1 month.
- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: a daily dose at the rate of 50–100 mg/kg for 6 receptions (each 4 h) for 8–10 days; after a 8-day break at an easy current in addition 1-3 more courses, at a heavy current - to 9 courses.
- Patients with the weakened immunity (in complex treatment): adult — 2 tablets 3–4 times a day, a course of treatment from 2 weeks to 3 months; children — a daily dose at the rate of 50 mg/kg in 3–4 receptions for 21 days (or 3 courses for 7–10 days with the same breaks).
At correction of immunodeficiency duration of a course of treatment can make from 3 to 9 weeks.
Features of use:
It is necessary to remember that IMMUNOZIN, as well as other antiviral means, at acute viral infections is most effective if treatment is begun at an early stage of a disease (better in the 1st days). It is applied both to monotherapy, and in complex treatment with antibiotics, antiviral and other etiotropic means.
At continuous treatment over 14 days it is necessary to carry out control of level of uric acid in blood serum and urine, at treatment over 21 days — it is reasonable to control monthly function of a liver and kidneys (activity of transaminases, creatinine level), composition of peripheral blood.
It is not necessary to appoint IMMUNOZIN to patients with a hyperuricemia in connection with a possibility of increase in content of uric acid in serum and in urine. In need of use of medicine for this category of patients it is regularly necessary to control the content of uric acid in an organism. Patients with substantial increase of content of uric acid are recommended to accept at the same time the means lowering its level.
Patients with an acute liver failure need reduction of a dose of IMMUNOZINA since process of metabolism of inosine of a pranobeks happens in a liver. In the listed above cases before administration of drugs consultation with the doctor is obligatory.
Children. It is applied at children 1 years are more senior.
Patients of advanced age. It is not required from patients of advanced age of dose adjustment, medicine is applied, as at adults.
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. IMMUNOZIN is contraindicated at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation (breastfeeding) since its safety at this category of patients is not established.
Influence on ability of control of vehicles and other difficult mechanisms. For the patients accepting IMMUNOZIN there are no special contraindications concerning driving of vehicles and service of moving mechanisms.
Side effects:
Determination of frequency of side reactions: often (≥1% and <10%), sometimes (≥0.1% and <1%).
IMMUNOZIN is well transferred even at prolonged use. Most often note the short-term slight increase of concentration of uric acid in blood serum and urine caused by inosine metabolism.
From the alimentary system: often - nausea, vomiting, pain in epigastriums, temporary increase in activity of transaminases and ShchF.
Dermatological reactions: often - an itch.
From TsNS: often - a headache, dizziness, weakness; sometimes - drowsiness, sleeplessness.
From an urinary system: sometimes - a polyuria.
From a musculoskeletal system: often - a joint pain.
From a metabolism: often - an exacerbation of gout, increase in content of uric acid in a blood plasma.
At emergence of the listed above side reactions it is necessary to stop reception and to see as soon as possible a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use immunodepressants can reduce efficiency of IMMUNOZINA. Inhibitors of a xanthineoxidase and uricosuric means (including diuretics) can promote risk of increase in level of uric acid in blood serum of the patients accepting IMMUNOZIN.
Combined use leads inosine of a pranobeks with a zidovudine to increase in level of the last in blood and to increase in the period of its semi-removal. It allows to appoint lower doses of a zidovudine and to increase intervals between receptions at combined use about inosine pranobeksy.
If the patient accepts other medicines, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
— gout;
— urolithiasis;
— heavy renal failure of the III degree;
— arrhythmia;
— children's age till 1 year;
— pregnancy;
— period of a lactation (breastfeeding);
— hypersensitivity to components of a ready dosage form.
Data on overdose of inosine of a pranobeks are not revealed. At overdose it is recommended to carry out a gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not over +25 ºС. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets in a blister strip packaging No. 10х2, No. 10х3, No. 10х5 and in banks No. 20 and No. 30. Together with a leaf insert of 2, 3 or 5 blister strip packagings or bank are located in a pack from a cardboard.