Vesicular rickettsiosis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Vesicular rickettsiosis
- Reasons of the Vesicular rickettsiosis
- Treatment of the Vesicular rickettsiosis
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Vesicular rickettsiosis (rickettsiosis vesiculosa; synonym: Kew — Gardena spotty fever, a rickettsiosis gamazovy, a rickettsiosis D) — the infectious disease from group of tick-borne rickettsioses which is characterized by a peculiar vesicular rash, primary affect on site of implementation of the activator and regional lymphadenitis.
Symptoms of the Vesicular rickettsiosis:
The incubation interval lasts usually from 7 to 14 days. Approximately in 3 — 10 days prior to emergence of fever on site of a sting most of patients has a dense red papule — primary affect. On the periphery the papule is surrounded with an erythematic nimbus, in the center — a necrosis. The second precursory symptom is regional lymphadenitis, but without limfangiit, the fever, a headache, mialgiya are noted fervescence to 38 — 40 °. It is characteristic appearing on 2 — the 3rd day of the feverish period spotty and papular and vesicular rash, usually not plentiful, located on a trunk, a face and it is rare — on palms and on mucous membranes. Bradycardia, a leukopenia with a neutropenia, moderate increase in SOE is inherent to the feverish period. In 10 — 15 days the disease usually comes to the end with recovery.
The diagnosis a vesicular rickettsiosis is established on the basis of a clinical picture and results of laboratory researches. In the conditions of the local centers in the presence at the patient of fever, primary affect, regional lymphadenitis, characteristic rash, bradycardia and a leukopenia with a neutropenia it is possible to suspect a vesicular rickettsiosis. Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out by means of reaction of binding complement with antigen from R. akari.

Integuments at a vesicular rickettsiosis
Reasons of the Vesicular rickettsiosis:
The activator of a vesicular rickettsiosis are rickettsiae (Rickettsia akari; Dermacentroxenus murinus synonym) — small a rod form, gram-negative, obligate intracellular parasites.
Epidemiology. Sources of contagiums — a house mouse, black and gray rats; an activator carrier — a gamazoidny tick (Allodermanyssus sanguins) relating to gnezdno-norovy parasites of domestic rodents; it revealed ability to transfer the activator трансфазово and a transovarial way (see Carriers of contagiums). Sick people of danger do not represent. Diseases are registered in the USA, in the Central Africa. In the USSR V. the ruble met in Donetsk region, separate cases are described in Moldova and Belarus. Incidence has sporadic character, family and group diseases in certain areas, apartments, houses are seldom observed.
Pathogeny. The activator gets through skin at a sting of a tick, at the same time primary affect is formed; regional lymphadenitis, a rikketsemiya with defeat of an endothelium of vessels, a pan-vasculitis develop. Durable immunity, cases of recurrent diseases are not established.
Treatment of the Vesicular rickettsiosis:
. Patients are hospitalized. Appoint tetracycline drugs, if necessary symptomatic means. The forecast is favorable.