Paroxysmal tick-borne rickettsiosis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Paroxysmal tick-borne rickettsiosis
- Reasons of the Paroxysmal tick-borne rickettsiosis
- Treatment of the Paroxysmal tick-borne rickettsiosis
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Tick-borne paroxysmal rickettsiosis - a benign rickettsial disease which met in 1945-1948 in rural areas of the Western Ukraine.
Symptoms of the Paroxysmal tick-borne rickettsiosis:
The disease is characterized by the high-quality course of pristupoobrazny fever, is not followed by formation of primary affect. Now does not meet anywhere.
Reasons of the Paroxysmal tick-borne rickettsiosis:
The activator - Rickettsia rutchkovskyi. An infection source - a red vole, a carrier - a tick of Ixodes ricinus.

Rickettsiae - the etiological agent of rickettsioses
Treatment of the Paroxysmal tick-borne rickettsiosis:
Treatment of this disease is similar to therapy of other rickettsioses.