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Remvatichesky pleurisy


Rheumatic pleurisy — one of the main manifestations of a serositis at rheumatism. It is found, according to P. I. Shamarin, etc. (1965), in 5,4% of patients with an active phase of rheumatism.

Symptoms of Rheumatic pleurisy:

At primary rheumatism pleurisy often arises as early manifestation of the attack, sometimes in the debut of a disease, along with polyarthritis. In these cases its clinical manifestations are characterized by substantial increase of body temperature, developing of the intensive, amplifying at a deep breath pains, sometimes dry painful cough, a pleural rub in the corresponding half of a thorax. Laboratory increase of indicators of activity of rheumatic process is found. Then pains gradually abate, the pleural rub disappears or weakens. The condition of the patient continues to worsen. Considerably an asthma amplifies, weakness, fever keep. Perkutorno in zadnenizhny departments of a thorax is defined gradually increasing dullness which upper edge is limited to Damuazo's line. Are at the same time sharply weakened or completely respiratory noise disappear, voice trembling is absent. Radiological the characteristic, merging with a diaphragm blackout, more intensive in lower parts comes to light. The struck side of a thorax considerably lags behind in cases of considerable increase of exudate, rather rare for rheumatism, at breath, intercostal spaces eminate, an asthma sharply amplifies, there is cyanosis, the patient accepts a forced semi-sitting position. At evacuation of exudate from a pleural cavity liquid of straw-colored color with positive reaction of Rivalta and the amount of protein exceeding 3% is found. Microscopically endothelium cells, single erythrocytes and preferential polymorphonuclear leukocytes — to 2000 — 4000 in 1 мкл exudate are defined.
To thicket, especially at primary acute rheumatism, along with other manifestations of serosites, displays of rheumatic pleurisy are found clinically easier, as if fleeting.

Reasons of Rheumatic pleurisy:

Rheumatic pleurisy — the privilege of acute, subacute and especially continuous and recurrent rheumatic process.

Treatment of Rheumatic pleurisy:

Carry out treatment of the main disease - rheumatism. Prevention of rheumatic pleurisy includes an akyotivyony sayonation of the centers of a hroyoniyocheyosky infection and energichyony leyocheyony ostyory zayoboyoleyovayoniya, vyzyovanyony strepyotoyokokyoky. In chastyonoyost, ре­комен­ду­ет­ся leyocheyony all bolyyony an angiyony anyotiyobioyotiyokama of a shiyoroyoky spekyotyor of action. These a meyoropriyoyayotiya naiyoboyoly vazhyona at already раз­вившем­ся a revmayotizm. Esyoli at bolyyony in a neyoakyotivyony fayoza of a boyolezyona по­яви­лись peryovy priyozyonayok predpoyolozhiyotelyyono of a strepyotoyokokyokoyovy infection, in addition to an obyayozayotelyyony kuryos of an anyotiyobioyotiyokoyoteyorapiya, it has to in teyocheyony priyonimat the same sroyok odyono from proyotiyovoyorevmayotiyocheyosky means: an atseyotilyosayolitsiyoloyovy kisyoloyota on 2 — 3 g, ин­доме­тацин on 75 mg, etc.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Rheumatic pleurisy:

  • Препарат Ревма-Хеель.


    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany

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