Subdepository laryngitis
- Description
- Symptoms Subdepository laryngitis
- Reasons Subdepository laryngitis
- Treatment Subdepository laryngitis
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False croup (laryngitis subchordalis, false croup) - acute laryngitis with preferential localization of process in subvoice space.
Symptoms Subdepository laryngitis:
The disease begins usually with an inflammation of upper respiratory tracts, a congestion and allocations from a nose, the subfebrile temperature, cough. General condition of the child in the afternoon quite satisfactory. At night suddenly the suffocation attack barking cough, cyanosis of integuments begins. An asthma is preferential inspiratory, is followed by retraction of soft tissues of a jugular pole, over - and subclavial spaces, epigastric area. The similar state lasts of several minutes before half an hour then plentiful perspiration appears, breath is normalized, the child falls asleep. Similar states can repeat in 2-3 days.
The Laringoskopichesky picture of subchordal laryngitis is presented in the form of a valikoobrazny symmetric swelling, a hyperemia of a mucous membrane of subvoice space. These rollers act from under voice folds, considerably narrowing a throat gleam and by that complicating breath.

Subdepository laryngitis at a laringoskopiya
Reasons Subdepository laryngitis:
It is observed at children usually aged up to 5-8 years that it is connected with features of a structure of subvoice space: friable cellulose under voice folds at small children is strongly developed and easily reacts to irritation the infectious agent. Development of a stenosis is promoted also by narrowness of a throat at children, lability of nervous and vascular reflexes. At horizontal position of the child owing to blood inflow hypostasis increases therefore the aggravation of symptoms is more expressed at night.
Treatment Subdepository laryngitis:
Treatment is directed to elimination of inflammatory process and recovery of breath. Inhalations of mix of antiedematous drugs are effective: 5% of solution of ephedrine, 0,1% of solution of adrenaline, 0,1% of solution of atropine, 1% of solution of Dimedrol, hydrocortisone 1,0 and chemical opsin. An antibioticotherapia which is appointed in the maximum dose for this age, and also antihistaminic therapy, sedative drugs is necessary. Also purpose of a hydrocortisone or Prednisolonum at the rate of 2-4 mg/kg of weight of the child is shown. Well plentiful drink works: the tea, milk, mineral alkaline waters distracting procedures - foot baths, mustard plasters.
The attack of suffocation can try to be stopped, having quickly touched with the pallet a back wall of a throat, having caused thereby an emetic reflex.
In case the actions stated above are powerless, and suffocation becomes menacing, it is necessary to resort to a nazotrakhealny intubation for 3-4 days, if necessary tracheotomy is shown.