DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Rheumatology Neurorhematism



Neurorhematism – rheumatic defeat of a nervous system. The rheumatic disease most often proceeding with damage of joints and hearts can affect also a nervous system, and both peripheral (nerves), and central (brain). At defeat of peripheral nerves there are frustration characteristic of neuritis or neuropathy. At damage of a brain rheumatic meningitis or encephalitis can develop. The last the most frequent form of a neurorhematism, occurs generally at children.

Neurorhematism symptoms:

Quite often the disease begins with emergence of irritability, absent-mindedness, obstinacy and "whims" of the child, sleep disorders; at this stage diagnosis is difficult as the specified symptoms are not specific. The joining then motive disturbances – awkwardness of movements, grimacing, hyperkinesias (for example, a shmyganiye a nose, twitching by shoulders, "concern" in brushes) – already force to think of "a small chorea". In initial stages of a disease hyperkinesias can be revealed at the moment when the child takes off clothes ("an undressing symptom"). The letter, walking and the speech are at a loss, the child drops a fork, a spoon. In hard cases patients cease to speak. At emotional pressure of the child hyperkinesias amplify. The symptom of language and a century is characteristic – the child cannot hold put out tongue at the closed eyes. The tone of muscles decreases moderately or considerably; tendon jerks are absent. There is no disorder of sensitivity at "a small chorea". Internals and joints are surprised a little. In 50% of cases the disease recurs, usually after heavy quinsy and especially during the autumn and spring periods.

Neurorhematism reasons:

The disease is usually preceded by frequent quinsies, a rheumatic carditis, rheumatic damage of joints; sometimes "hysterical chorea" serves as the first display of rheumatism at the child. The disease meets at the age of 5-15 years, twice more often at girls. The disease can recur also at the age of 15-25 years; generally at persons is a female.

Treatment of the Neurorhematism:

Treatment of a neurorhematism is defined by the doctor-neuropathologist together with the therapist; begin therapy usually in a hospital. When subsiding sharpness of process patients continue to be treated sanatorno. In out-patient conditions patients with a neurorhematism need constant observation of the rheumatologist.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Neurorhematism:

  • Препарат Ревма-Хеель.


    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany

  • Сайт детского здоровья