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Infestation with Gongylonema


Infestation with Gongylonema (gongylonematosis, гонгилонемоз) — the helminthosis from group of nematodoses caused by Gongylonema pulchrum and which is characterized by formation of small papules and erosion on a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and a gullet, the phenomena of stomatitis and pharyngitis.

Infestation with Gongylonema symptoms:

Parasitizing of G. pulchrum under mucous a mouth causes its hyperemia, papulation, difficulties at the movements by language is possible. The hypertrophy, rugosity and bleeding mucous a gullet, existence on it of erosion and deep defect of 1 kV of cm is observed; at a research of a biopsirovanny piece of mucous find helminth eggs. At patients note a headache, irritability, vomiting.
The disease is followed by a digestive disturbance, a loss of appetite, laryngitis, a glossitis, morbidity and an itch of the struck fabrics, gematemezy, increase in nervousness, sleeplessness.
On a mucous membrane of an oral cavity the grazes surrounded with a hyperemia zone, the zigzag courses are visible. The raised salivation, occasionally with blood, the phenomena of stomatitis and pharyngitis is observed.

Infestation with Gongylonema reasons:

The activator — Gongylonema pulchrum nematode (Molin, 1857) (this. Gongylonematidae, wiped. Spirurida), parasitize under a mucous membrane of a mouth and a gullet. Male 47 — 62 mm long, 0,17 — 0,195 mm wide; female 120 — 145 mm long, 0,350 mm wide. Eggs transparent, with a thick cover, 0,052 in size — 0,056 x 0,032 mm.
Intermediate owners of parasites are bugs of Scarabeidae and cockroaches of Blatella germanica. Infection happens at an accidental proglatyvaniye of cockroaches and bugs, for example, to food. Infection at the water drink from open reservoirs infected with the infested maggots is possible.
At the person the disease is for the first time registered in 1850 Mr. of J. Leidy. The person is ill seldom (less than 100 described cases). The disease is registered in the different countries (the USA, Morocco, Italy, China, Austria etc.), including in Russia.

Treatment of the Infestation with Gongylonema:

The diagnosis is made on the basis of helminth detection. Treatment: the parasite is taken in the surgical way after a superficial section of a mucous membrane.
The forecast at delivery of health care favorable.
Prevention: protection against hit of synanthropic insects in food stuffs, boiling of the water taken from open reservoirs.

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