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Chorea (a choreic hyperkinesia, before "a vittov dancing" or "Saint Witt's dancing"; from Greek , a type of dance) — the syndrome which is characterized by the random, abrupt, irregular motions similar to the normal mimic movements and gestures, but various with them on amplitude and intensity, that is more elaborate and grotesque, often reminding dance.

Chorea symptoms:

At a chorea the muscles located on considerable removal from each other and various on functional purpose at the same time can be reduced. Various irritations strengthen a choreic hyperkinesia, at rest it decreases, in a dream — disappears. The choreic hyperkinesia complicates autokinesias. At sharply expressed violent movements there are impossible usual motive stereotypes — walking, standing, purposive movements of hands, etc. The tone of muscles at a chorea is usually lowered. Tendon and cutaneous reflexes, as a rule, sokhranna, pathological reflexes are not characteristic. The exception is made by a hemochorea, an inborn and senile chorea at which pathological reflexes often are found, and the tone of muscles happens raised. The choreic hyperkinesia, as a rule, is not the only clinical sign of a disease. Usually at these or those damages of a brain it is combined with other symptoms.

The chorea of pregnant women arises more often at the first pregnancy at young people, especially adynamic, women, only in rare instances develops at the subsequent pregnancies. Organic lesion of the central nervous system with preferential involvement of extrapyramidal system is its cornerstone, in the anamnesis most of patients has instructions on rheumatism; besides, signs of rheumatic damage of heart and other somatic displays of rheumatism can be noted. However communication with rheumatism manages to be tracked not in all cases of a chorea of pregnant women. Approximately in 1/3 cases of a trochee of pregnant women is a recurrence of the hysterical chorea postponed in the childhood.

Chorea reasons:

Depending on an etiolgiya distinguish the following types of a choreic syndrome:
  1. Primary hereditary forms:
          * Huntington chorea
          * The hereditary not progressing chorea with the early beginning
          * A chronic chorea with the late beginning
  2. A chorea as a syndrome as a part of hereditary "extrapyramidal" diseases:
          * A syndrome Lyosha — Nikhena
          * Hepatocerebral dystrophy (Wilson's disease — Konovalova)
          * Paroxysmal choreoathetosis
  3. The secondary choreas connected with defeat of basal kernels of a brain. On the damaging agent allocate:
          * virus
          * bacterial
          * vascular
          * traumatic
          * dizimmunny (hysterical chorea)
          * metabolic
          * toxic
          * mixed

Treatment of the Chorea:

  1. Causal treatment — directed directly to the reason which caused frustration. It is used at treatment of secondary choreas.
          * at infectious genesis antibiotics and antiviral drugs are appointed,
          * at vascular and traumatic — antiagregant, nootropa, vasodilating and thrombolytic drugs,
          * at dizimmunny — immunosuppressors and antibiotics,
          * at metabolic — correction of a metabolism.
  2. Symptomatic therapy — action directly on a symptom, that is on a chorea. For this purpose use drugs of a number of neuroleptics, most often a haloperidol.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Chorea:

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