Dimedrol of a tablet of 50 mg No. 10

Producer: LLC ASFARMA Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R06AA02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Pharmacological properties:
Blocker of H1-histamine receptors of the first generation. Blocks H1 - histamine receptors and eliminates the effects of a histamine mediated through this type of receptors. Action on the central nervous system is caused by blockade of H3 - histamine receptors of a brain and oppression of the central cholinergic structures. Has the expressed antihistaminic activity, reduces or warns the spasms of smooth muscles, increase in permeability of capillaries, hypostasis of fabrics, an itch and a hyperemia caused by a histamine. Causes local anesthesia (at intake there is a short-term numbness of mucous membranes of an oral cavity), blocks holinoretseptor ганглиев (reduces arterial pressure) and the central nervous system, renders sedative, somnolent, protivoparkinsonichesky and antiemetic effects. Antagonism with a histamine is shown more in relation to local vascular reactions at an inflammation and an allergy, than to system, i.e. to a lowering of arterial pressure. At people with local injuries of a brain and epilepsy activates (even in low doses) epileptic categories on the electroencephalogram and can provoke an epileptic attack. Sedative and somnolent effects are more expressed at repeated receptions.
The beginning of action is noted in 15-60 min. after intake, duration –
12 h.
Indications to use:
Allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic small tortoiseshell, pruritic dermatosis, dermatografizm, serum disease, in complex therapy of anaphylactic reactions, a Quincke's edema and other allergic states. Sleeplessness, a chorea, Menyer's syndrome, sea and aeroembolism, as an antiemetic.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside. To adults and children 14 years on 25-50 mg (1/2 - 1 tablet) 1-3 times a day are more senior. The highest single dose - 100 mg, daily - 250 mg. At sleeplessness - on 50 mg in 20-30 min. before going to bed. At a motion desease - 25-50 mg each 4-6 h if necessary.
Children are from 7 to 14 years old of 12,5 - 25 mg (1/4-1/2 tablets) 1-3 times a day.
Features of use:
The patients who are engaged in potentially dangerous types of activity requiring special attention and bystry mental reactions should be careful. During treatment difengidraminy it is necessary to avoid solar radiation and the use of ethanol.
It is necessary to inform the doctor on use of this peparat: antiemetic action can complicate diagnosis of appendicitis and recognition of symptoms of overdose of other medicines.
At children from 1 year to 7 years it is recommended to use tablets on 30 mg (from 1 year to 3 years the daily dose of 10-30 mg divided into 2-3 receptions, from 4 to 6 years a daily dose
20 - 45 mg, divided into 2-3 receptions).
At children from 7 months to 12 months drug can be used in the form of the powder prepared in prescription and production departments of drugstores of 3-5 mg 2-3 times a day.
Side effects:
Drowsiness, dryness in a mouth, numbness of a mucous oral cavity, dizziness, a tremor, nausea, a headache, the general weakness, reduction in the rate of psychomotor reaction, a photosensitization, accommodation paresis, a lack of coordination of movements. At children perhaps paradoxical development of sleeplessness, irritability and euphoria.
Hypersensitivity, closed-angle glaucoma, prostate hyperplasia, the stenosing peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, a bladder neck stenosis, bronchial asthma, epilepsy.
Children's age up to 7 months (for this dosage form).
With care - pregnancy, the lactation period.
Symptoms: oppression of the central nervous system, excitement development (especially at children) or depressions, expansion of pupils, dryness in a mouth, paresis of bodies of digestive tract, etc.
Treatment: there is no special antidote. Gastric lavage. If necessary - a symptomatic treatment: the drugs increasing the arterial pressure, oxygen intravenous administration of plasma substituting liquids.
It is impossible to use Epinephrinum and analeptics.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity of 5 years. Not to use drug after the termination of a period of validity. List B. In the dry, protected from light place. In the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets of 0,05 g.
On 10 tablets in planimetric strip or bezjyacheykovy packaging, 1 either 2 planimetric strip or bezjyacheykovy packagings together with application instructions place in a pack from a cardboard, planimetric bezjyacheykovy packagings together with application instructions place in a box from a cardboard (for hospitals).