
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R06AA02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 50 mg of Dimedrol (difengidramin) in 1 tablet.
Drug which renders antihistaminic, antiallergic, antiemetic, somnolent, mestnoanesteziruyushchy action.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Blocks histamine H1 — receptors and eliminates the effects of a histamine mediated through this type of receptors. Reduces or warns the spasms of smooth muscles caused by a histamine, increase in permeability of capillaries, hypostasis of fabrics, an itch and a hyperemia. Antagonism with a histamine is shown more concerning local vascular reactions at an inflammation and an allergy in comparison with system, i.e. decrease in the ABP.
Causes local anesthesia (at intake there is a short-term feeling of numbness of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity), has spasmolytic effect, blocks holinoretseptor vegetative ганглиев (lowers the ABP). Blocks H3 — histamine receptors of a brain and oppresses the central cholinergic structures. Has sedative, somnolent and antiemetic effect.
It is more effective at the bronchospasm caused by histamine liberator (tubocurarine, morphine, Sombrevinum), to a lesser extent — at an allergic bronchospasm. At bronchial asthma малоактивен it is also used in combination with theophylline, ephedrine and other bronchial spasmolytics.
Pharmacokinetics. At intake it is quickly and well soaked up. Contacts proteins of plasma for 98 — 99%. The maximum concentration (Cmax) in plasma is reached in 1 — 4 h after intake. The most part of the accepted Dimedrol is metabolized in a liver.
The elimination half-life (T1/2) makes 1 — 4 h. It is widely distributed in an organism, passes through a blood-brain barrier and a placenta. It is excreted with milk and can cause sedation in children of chest age.
During the day it is completely brought out of an organism preferential in the form of the diphenylcarbinol conjugated with glucuronic acid and only in insignificant quantity — in not changed look. The maximum effect develops in 1 h after intake, action duration — from 4 to 6 h.
Indications to use:
Small tortoiseshell, pollinosis, vasculomotor rhinitis, pruritic dermatosis, acute iridocyclitis, allergic conjunctivitis, Quincke's disease, capillary toxicosis, serum disease, allergic complications at medicinal therapy, hemotransfusion and blood-substituting liquids; complex therapy of an acute anaphylaxis, radial illness, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer of a stomach and hyperacid gastritis; catarrhal diseases, sleep disorders, premedication, extensive injuries of skin and soft tissues (burns, crushes); parkinsonism, chorea, sea and aeroembolism, vomiting, Menyer's syndrome; carrying out local anesthesia at patients with allergic reactions to mestnoanesteziruyushchy drugs in the anamnesis.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is accepted inside. The adult appoint 30 — 50 mg of 1 — 3 time a day, a course of treatment — 10 — 15 days. For prevention of a motion desease at the movement it is necessary to accept once on 30 — 50 mg in 30 — 60 min. prior to a trip; at sleeplessness — on 30 — 50 mg before going to bed. The maximum single dose makes 100 mg, daily — 250 mg. To children at the age of 6 — 12 years appoint 15 — 30 mg to reception.
Features of use:
With care use at patients with the hyperthyroidism raised by the intraocular pressure, diseases of cardiovascular system at advanced age. It is not necessary to apply in operating time to drivers of vehicles and people whose profession is connected with the increased concentration of attention. During treatment it is necessary to avoid the use of alcoholic beverages.
Side effects:
From a nervous system and sense bodys: the general weakness, fatigue, sedative action, decrease in attention, dizziness, drowsiness, a headache, an incoordination of movements, concern, a hyperexcitability (especially at children), irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, euphoria, confusion of consciousness, a tremor, neuritis, spasms, paresthesia; vision disorder, diplopia, acute labyrinthitis, sonitus. At patients with local injuries of a brain or epilepsy activates (even in low doses) convulsive categories on EEG and can provoke an epileptic attack.
From cardiovascular system and blood: hypotension, heartbeat, tachycardia, premature ventricular contraction, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hemolitic anemia.
From bodies of a GIT: dryness in a mouth, short-term numbness of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, anorexia, nausea, an epigastric distress, vomiting, diarrhea, a lock.
From urinogenital system: the frequent and/or complicated urination, a mocheotdeleniye delay, early periods.
From respiratory system: dryness of a nose and throat, a nose congestion, a condensation of a secret of bronchial tubes, constraint in a thorax and the complicated breath.
Allergic reactions: rash, urticaria, acute anaphylaxis.
Others: perspiration, fever, photosensitization.
Interaction with other medicines:
Hypnotic drugs, sedatives, tranquilizers and alcohol strengthen (mutually) oppression of TsNS. MAO inhibitors strengthen and prolong cholinolytic effects.
Hypersensitivity, feeding by a breast, children's age (the period of a neonatality and a condition of prematurity), closed-angle glaucoma, a prostatauxe, the stenosing stomach ulcer and a duodenum, piloroduodenalny obstruction, a bladder neck stenosis, pregnancy, bronchial asthma.
Symptoms: dryness in a mouth, the complicated breath, a resistant mydriasis, face reddening, oppression or excitement (is more often at children) TsNS, confusion of consciousness; children have a development of spasms and a lethal outcome.
Treatment: induction of vomiting, gastric lavage, purpose of absorbent carbon; a symptomatic and maintenance therapy against the background of careful control of breath and the ABP level.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets on 50 mg in packaging No. 10.