DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Pulmonology Atypical pneumonia

Atypical pneumonia


Atypical pneumonia, syndrome of an acute respiratory disease (SARS) - the ORZ unknown form destroying low respiratory tracts. Its activators are the atypical microorganisms relating to group of respiratory viruses (have similarity with causative agents of flu A and C).

Infection and the course of atypical pneumonia does not depend on age: the most part of the diseased - young people with good physical health.

Symptoms of Atypical pneumonia:

Typical symptoms of atypical pneumonia are high temperature and dry cough, the complicated or hurried breathing. Fluorographic inspection of a thorax shows a pneumonia picture. Also other symptoms - a fever, headaches, appetite loss, an indisposition and muscle pains, a xeroderma and diarrhea can be observed. The incubation interval makes from 2 to 10, the thicket is 3-5 days old.

Reasons of Atypical pneumonia:

This infection, like all other respiratory disease, is transmitted in the airborne way at close contact with the patient, and also through objects which used infected with atypical pneumonia. Earlier opinions on spread of a virus via the sewerage were expressed, there was an assumption that the virus is carried by mice and cockroaches.

The period of identification of symptoms of a disease after infection - from 2 to 10 days. Symptoms are similar to symptoms of usual pneumonia: the febricula, a fever, perspiration, a headache, irritation in a throat, dry cough, initial unstable fervescence to 38-39 degrees, is less often observed diarrhea, nausea, one-twofold not plentiful vomiting.

Further, within several days the specified symptomatology remains or even short-term improvement with possible normalization of body temperature is observed. When progressing a disease body temperature becomes high again, weakness, a headache increases, the patient has a feeling of "shortage of air", breath becomes complicated, speeded up, patients express concern, complain of constraint to breasts, heartbeat. Death comes at the phenomena of the accruing pulmonary heart.

To treat atypical pneumonia very difficult, the antimicrobic chemotherapy is usually appointed. At not heavy disease it is appointed inside macroleads in sredneterapevtichesky doses - erythromycin, кларитромицин, azithromycin, etc. At the heavy course of atypical pneumonia macroleads are appointed intravenously in high doses (erythromycin) in the beginning, and then patients pass to oral administration of an antibiotic.

Atypical pneumonia (or a heavy acute respiratory syndrome, from English Severe acute respiratory syndrome, abbr. SARS) is an acute disease of respiratory tracts. According to opinion of some specialists, the activator is the new virus from family of coronaviruses. However and creation of a vaccine is necessary for more exact definition carrying out further research work.
Transfer of a disease happens in the airborne way, as a rule, at close contact at distance about 10 cm. The virus lives about 3-6 hours and out of the carrier therefore infection through allocations of the patient, and also objects which used infected, for example, via the receiver then the activator gets in an organism through eyes, a nose or an oral cavity is possible. Specialists do not exclude a possibility of transmission of infection with air flows though such probability is very small.

Treatment of Atypical pneumonia:

Treatment the TORSO (SARS) is carried out in specialized blocks of an intensive care, use antiviral means, antibiotics of the last generations, glucocorticosteroid drugs. Against the majority of viruses – causative agents of pneumonia are not available drugs so far. Use combinations of glucocorticosteroids and antiviral drugs, such as рибавирин. The antibiotics which are usually applied to treatment of pneumonia are not active concerning "atypical" activators. Choice drugs for treatment of atypical pneumonia are macroleads which are most active in the relation легионелл, of mycoplasmas, chlamydias, some hinolona, tetracyclines are also used.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Atypical pneumonia:

  • Препарат Азитромицин-Здоровье, капс.125мг №6.

    Azitromitsin-Zdorovye, kaps.125mg No.

    Antibacterial agents for system use.

    LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine

  • Препарат Хемомицин.



    Stada Arzneimittel ("STADA Artsnaymittel") Germany


  • Препарат Зи-фактор.

    Zee factor

    Antibiotic of group of macroleads - an azalead.



  • Препарат Экомед.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads - an azalead.

    JSC AVVA RUS Russia

  • Препарат АзитРус.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads - an azalead.

    JSC Sintez Russia

  • Препарат Рокситромицин.


    Antimicrobic drug for system use. Macrolead

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Фромилид.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads.

    Krka Slovenia

  • Препарат АзитРус.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads - an azalead.

    JSC Sintez Russia

  • Препарат Зитролид форте.

    Zitrolid forte

    Antibiotic of group of macroleads - an azalead.

    JSC Valenta Pharmatsevtika Russia

  • Препарат Эспарокси.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads.

    Esparma GmbH (Esparma Gmbh) Germany

  • Препарат Кларитромицин, табл. п/о 250мг, 500мг № 5*2, 7*2.

    Klaritromitsin, the tab. п / about 250 mg, 500 mg No. 5*2, 7 *

    Makrolidny antibiotic. Klaritromitsin.

    JSC Krasnaya zvezda Ukraine

  • Препарат АзитРус.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads - an azalead.

    JSC Sintez Russia

  • Препарат Зитролид.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads - an azalead.

    JSC Valenta Pharmatsevtika Russia

  • Препарат Роксигексал.


    Antibiotic of group of macroleads.

    Hexal AG (Geksal AG) Germany

  • Сайт детского здоровья