Exudative peritonitis
- Description
- Symptoms of Exudative peritonitis
- Reasons of Exudative peritonitis
- Treatment of Exudative peritonitis
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It is the peritonitis which is characterized by accumulation of exudate in an abdominal cavity.
Symptoms of Exudative peritonitis:
The disease of the most part develops gradually; slowly, but stomach volume progressively increases — in an abdominal cavity liquid collects. Subfebrile temperature against the background of which temperature "candles" appear is quite often noted. There are no abdominal pains or they are insignificant, without accurate localization. Over time there is a feeling of weight, raspiraniye in an abdominal cavity, appetite is broken, breath is quite often complicated because of high standing of a diaphragm.
At considerable ascites pastosity or puffiness of the lower extremities is sometimes noted (a prelum an exudate of the lower vena cava). The stomach is increased in volume, skin is tense, brilliant, the navel eminates. In an abdominal cavity by means of percussion and fluctuation the mobile or sacculated liquid is defined. The research of the ascitic liquid extracted by a trial puncture of an abdominal wall reveals its inflammatory nature: protein content exceeds 3%, usually 4 — 5%, Rivalt's reaction is positive. At microscopic examination of the painted smear some prevalence of neutrophylic forms of leukocytes over lymphocytes usually comes to light.
The disease proceeds rather favorably, in most cases coming to an end with recovery. However quite often after a rassasyvaniye of a liquid exudate development of the commissural process characteristic and for adhesive (dry) forms of chronic peritonitis is observed.
Reasons of Exudative peritonitis:
Often has the tubercular nature, can be a consequence of malignant new growths.
Treatment of Exudative peritonitis:
Treatment - depending on an etiology.

Operative measure with цлью suctions of an essudat at peritonitis