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Koronavirusny infection


Koronavirusny infection - the acute viral disease which is clinically characterized by poorly expressed intoxication and damage of upper parts of a respiratory path.

Symptoms of the Koronavirusny infection:

There are no specifics in a clinical picture of this infection. It can be similar to the diseases caused by respiratory and syncytial, parainfluenza viruses and rhinoviruses. Such symptoms as pain when swallowing can be observed, sneezing, an indisposition, a moderate headache, i.e. the symptoms inherent to respiratory diseases.

The incubation interval lasts 2-3 days. The disease proceeds with slight symptoms of the general intoxication. Temperature is more often normal or subfebrile. The main symptom is rhinitis. The general duration of a disease is 5-7 days.

Note the defeat not only upper, but also lower parts of respiratory tract which is shown cough, thorax pain at breath, the whistling rattles, breath difficulty. Believe that these observations indicate a certain value of coronaviruses as the activators promoting development of pneumonia.

At children the koronavirusny infection proceeds is clinically more expressed, than at adults. Along with cold the inflammation of a throat and increase in cervical lymph nodes is rather often observed. Besides, almost in 25% of cases the cough testimonial of distribution of inflammatory process to lower parts of a respiratory path is noted.

The outbreaks of the koronavirusny infection which is shown only symptoms of a gastrointestinal tract disease were described, the disease proceeded as an acute gastroenteritis. The disease was short-term, an outcome favorable. From excrements of the diseased coronaviruses of strains of HECV-24 and HECV-25 are allocated.

Reasons of the Koronavirusny infection:

Coronaviruses - the family of viruses combining the RNA-containing polymorphic viruses of average size. Diameter of various coronaviruses varies from 80 to 220 nanometers. Existence of a cover with fibers more rare, than at an influenza virus is characteristic of them. Fibers are attached to virion by means of a narrow stalk and extend by the distal end, reminding a solar crown during an eclipse (the name of family from here). Coronaviruses breed in cytoplasm of the infected cells. At the same time affiliated virions appear in 4-6 h after infection. Type-species of coronaviruses it is considered to be a virus of infectious bronchitis of birds. Coronaviruses of the person - respiratory viruses also enter into family of coronaviruses.

Ability to fix a complement in the presence of the hyperimmune serums or serums received from had is inherent in all coronaviruses. In external environment are unstable, collapse at a temperature of 56 °C in 10-15 min.

Pathogeny. The pathogeny of a koronavirusny infection is still insufficiently studied. Frequency of acute respiratory diseases of a koronavirusny etiology fluctuates from 4,5 to 10%.

Coronaviruses cause preferential damage of upper airways. Only at children cases of damage of bronchial tubes and lungs are noted.

Allocation of coronaviruses of the person of HECV-24 and HCVE-25 from excrements of children with manifestation of a gastroenteritis testifies to their enteropathogenicity.

There are messages on allocation of coronaviruses from a brain of patients with multiple sclerosis.

Строение коронавируса

Coronavirus structure

Treatment of the Koronavirusny infection:

Methods of specific therapy which efficiency is confirmed with methods of evidential medicine do not exist.

During epidemic applied рибавирин in a dose 8-12 mg/kg each 8 h during 7-10 days appointed drug taking into account contraindications, alpha 2b, interferon the alpha and its inductors also used interferon. Carrying out an oxygenotherapy by inhalations of oxygen air mixture or IVL in the mode of an assisted breast, carrying out desintoxication by the general rules is reasonable. It is necessary, taking into account activation autoflor, use of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity, such as levofloxacin, цефтриаксон, etc. Use of inhalations by the drugs containing surfactant (куросурф, surfaktant-BL), and also nitrogen oxide is perspective.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Koronavirusny infection:

  • Препарат Анаферон.


    Antiviral and immunoexcitants.

    LLC NPF Materia Medika Holding Russia

  • Препарат Анаферон .


    Antiviral and immunoexcitants.

    LLC NPF Materia Medika Holding Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья