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Malignant lymphoma


Malignant tumors of lymph nodes which meet at any age and at early diagnosis are curable.

Lymphatic fabric (lymph nodes, a spleen, etc.) can be struck with the tumor proceeding from lymphatic and retikulogistiotsiterny cells. Distinguish a lymphogranulomatosis (Hodzhkin's disease) and a nekhodzhkineky lymphoma (NHL).

Symptoms of the Malignant lymphoma:

First of all it should be noted a big variety of forms in which this disease is shown. Therefore in case of a complex picture of a disease which develops long enough and which does not manage to offer any convincing explanation always assume Hogzhkip's lymphoma.

The first symptoms of a disease are the adynamy (weakness), one-day fever or attacks of the real fever which last till several o'clock. From time to time at night sweat suddenly begins to be emitted and the itch develops. Sometimes clearly the bulking-up lymph nodes become visible. The picture of a disease begins to dominate owing to increase in various groups of lymph nodes and the slow, but progressing deterioration in the general state and spread of a disease at other bodies (a liver, lungs, a brain, a skeleton, etc.).

Along with superficial lymph nodes which can reach tangerine size the nodes located more deeply also are involved in process. It can be, for example, mediastinum tumors (space between a breast and chest department of a backbone) which come to light by means of a X-ray analysis of lungs, or lymph nodes in an abdominal cavity which images can be received by means of a sonografiya (ultrasonography) and a computer tomography. First of all it is very important to DEFINE precisely EXTENT of spread of a disease as on this basis the program of treatment will be made and the forecast is made.

Clinical picture of a nekhodzhkinsky lymphoma.
Most often at survey note swelling of both superficial, and deep lymph nodes. The clinical picture includes the general symptoms of a tumoral disease, and in particular, fever, weight loss, an adynamy and anemia. Neoplastic process can develop also in other places, for example in skeleton bones, skin, lungs, a mammary gland, etc.

Reasons of the Malignant lymphoma:

Is known of the reasons and a developmental character of a malignant lymphoma a little. A lot of things that belongs to leukoses, can be carried also to this disease as in both cases it is about tumoral diseases of the hemopoietic bodies, and it is possible, the reasons and development are generally similar or uniform. Let's give one fact which can be important for the proof of a virus origin of this tumoral disease. In tumor cells of a lipoma of Burkitt, a nekhodzhkinsky lipoma, a bowl of all of the Equatorial Africa striking black children, could isolate a virus which is considered as the main reason of this tumor. Value of this opening for future researches of a possible virus origin of a leukosis and a lipoma is obvious.

Hodzhkin's lymphoma.
Hodzhkin's lymphoma, or lymphogranulomatosis — the most often found malignant disease of lymphatic system. Critical age of a disease is the period from 20 to 40 years, and are most subject to this disease of the man.

Treatment of the Malignant lymphoma:

Therapeutic methods of treatment: radical radiation therapy, chemotherapy, special indications to radiation therapy. Let's consider some details more attentively: radiation therapy if it is applied, should be carried out considerably, i.e. for each group of lymph nodes it is necessary to use such dose that all struck area was irradiated. Now this therapy is applied not only to the affected lymph nodes, but also as a preventive action to prevent spread of a disease on healthy lymph nodes. Within chemotherapy give preference today to polychemotherapy (simultaneous use of several chemotherapeutic means) which is carried out according to the special scheme.
In this regard it is also necessary to touch on an issue of a trial laparotomy (opening of an abdominal cavity) which sometimes puts the doctor in a difficult situation. Earlier it was mentioned importance of exact definition of a stage of a disease of the patient, first of all for the organization of the corresponding treatment. Even if apply all available medicine of technology (including a limfografiya), it is not always possible to define precisely, lymph nodes are affected or is not present. For these reasons several years for the diagnostic purposes carry out a trial laparotomy at which in the operational way study cuts of various lymph nodes in an abdominal cavity. From each separate group separate one node which then is subjected to the histologic analysis. During a laparotomy carry out also one or several biopsies of a liver which carry out both for diagnosis of its functions, and for the purpose of removal of a spleen (splenectomy). It is necessary to recognize that the laparotomy is the diagnostic equipment which, despite its advantages, is not deprived also serious shortcomings. Thanks to improvement of a possibility of a research, first of all by means of KT, the laparotomy is carried out seldom or never today.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Malignant lymphoma:

  • Препарат Циклофосфан.


    Anti-neoplastic means. The alkylating connections. Cyclophosphamide.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Эпирубицин.


    Anti-neoplastic means. Anthracyclines and related connections.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Ифосфамид.


    The antineoplastic means alkylating connection.

    JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia


  • Препарат Лейкеран.


    Antineoplastic drug. The alkylating connection.

    Glaxo Operetaions UK Limited (Glakso Opereyshns YuK Limited) Great Britain

  • Препарат Растоцин.


    Antineoplastic antibiotics and related drugs.

    Pliva Hrvatska, d.o.o. Croatia

  • Препарат Лемод.



    Hemofarm, A.D. (A.D. Hemofarm) Serbia

  • Сайт детского здоровья