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Kikuchi-Fudzhimoto's disease


The disease which is shown first of all a painless, unilateral cervical limfoadenopatiya.

Kikuchi-Fudzhimoto etiologies:

It is supposed that the disease of Kikuchi is the high-quality volchanochnopodobny syndrome connected with an infection B19 parvovirus; development of characteristic clinical and pathomorphologic signs of pathology at classical hard currency and Steel's disease is described.

Symptoms of a disease of Kikuchi-Fudzhimoto:

The disease which is shown first of all a painless, unilateral cervical limfoadenopatiya is later generalized involvement of lymph nodes (20%), fever, weakness, damage of skin as a small tortoiseshell, occasionally a splenomegaly, the increase in mezenterialny lymph nodes simulating appendicitis; at a laboratory research the neutropenia, a lymphocytosis, sharp increase in SOE, increase in concentration of liver enzymes is found; at immunological inspection in serums of patients antibodies to DNA and anti-lymphocytic antibodies come to light. Usually the disease comes to an end with spontaneous recovery within 3 months, persistirut less often about one year. At a histologic research of lymph nodes it is found spotty paracortical (T a zone) the necrosis consisting of the eosinophilic fibrinoid material containing a large number of nuclear fragments, the zone of a necrosis is surrounded with histiocytes, macrophages, T-cells in lack of plasmocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes.

Treatment of a disease of Kikuchi-Fudzhimoto:

As treatment accept Prednisolonum of 1 mg/kg/day (stops constitutional symptoms and fever). Penicillin is also shown (does not influence the course of arthritis); aspiration of synovial fluid, premium introduction of group of companies; NPVP possess a low performance.

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