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Collagenoses - the group of diseases which is characterized by systemic lesion of connecting fabric, including the fibers containing collagen.

Symptoms Collagenose:

Subfebrile temperature, weakness, muscular and joint pains, perspiration, enanthesis and so forth. The composition of blood changes: the anemia, a leukocytosis raised by SOE, increase in globulinovy fractions, changes of immunological reactions, etc. At the first stages these symptoms do not give the grounds to suspect this disease. It is distinguished more often already when forming a syndrome of occlusion of branches of an aortic arch.

Dissociation between considerable prevalence of okklyuziruyushchy defeats of vessels is often observed that is defined at an angiography, and insignificant expressiveness of focal brain symptoms. The disease has the progressing current and without treatment leads to development of heart attacks of a brain, and also a heart and renal failure.

Reasons Collagenose:

Origin and development of a disease is disturbances in work of immune system of an organism. In response to various alien factors (pathogenic bacteriums, intoxications, vaccines, serums, drugs, chemicals etc.) there is a perverted immunological reaction of an organism.

Treatment Collagenose:

Conservative treatment includes use of corticosteroids and AKTG, Butadionum, and also vasodilating drugs and anticoagulants.
Surgical treatment is directed to recovery of passability of the affected arteries. Brakhiotsefalny arteritis should be distinguished on an etiological sign from atherosclerotic occlusion of branches of an aortic arch — an aortic arch syndrome. It is important in planning of medical actions.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment Collagenose:

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