
Producer: LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D07BC01
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 0,5 mg of betamethasone (in the form of Dipropionas betamethasone) and 30 mg of salicylic acid in 1 g of ointment.
Excipients: liquid paraffin, white soft paraffin.
The combined medicine with antiinflammatory and keratolytic action for external use.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Effect of medicine is caused by the components which are its part; renders antiinflammatory, antiedematous, antiallergic, vasopressor, anti-proliferative, immunodepressive, keratolytic, antimicrobic, antifungal and local hypothermal effect.
Thanks to betamethasone (the synthetic fluorinated glucocorticoid (GKS) Betasalitsilik slows down release of mediators of an inflammation, prevents regional accumulation of neutrophils, reduces inflammatory exudate and products of cytokines, reduces migration of macrophages, leading to reduction of processes of infiltration and granulation.
Thanks to availability of salicylic acid has keratolytic effect, facilitates penetration of betamethasone into skin, renders also skvamolitichesky, antimicrobic and antifungal action, and also recovers normal PH value of skin. Ointment possesses water-repellent action and forms the protective film protecting skin from influence of external moisture; possessing deep zhironasyshchayushchy action, it is most suitable for treatment of patients with dry and brittle skin.
Pharmacokinetics. When drawing on healthy skin betamethasone and salicylic acid are soaked up in insignificant degree. Existence of damages or signs of an inflammation of skin, use of occlusive bandages, and also cases when extensive body surfaces are exposed to treatment, can create conditions for increase in system absorption of the operating components of this medicine at topical administration.
Indications to use:
- psoriasis, eczema (especially chronic), an ichthyosis and ichthyotic damages of skin, limited a prurigo with a strong likhenization, chronic atopic dermatitis, diffusion neurodermatitis;
- simple and allergic dermatitis;
- small tortoiseshell, multiformny exudative erythema;
- chronic deprive idle time (limited neurodermatitis);
- the dermatosis which is not giving in to treatment by other GKS (especially red warty deprive), red flat deprive, seborrheal dermatitis of a pilar part of the head, a skin dyshydrosis.
Route of administration and doses:
Ointment is applied a thin layer by 2 times a day — in the morning and for the night, completely covering affected areas of skin. In certain cases the supporting effect can be reached by use of applications of 1 times a day.
Duration of a course of treatment is defined by its efficiency, and also portability of drug the patient, existence and expressiveness of side effects. In need of longer therapy medicine can be used less often (for example, every other day). Duration of treatment has to make no more than 3 weeks.
For prevention of a recurrence at treatment of chronic diseases it is necessary to continue medicine use still some time after disappearance of all symptoms.
At the accidental admission of planned time of use of medicine, the following application of ointment needs to be carried out as soon as possible. If before new planned use there is a small period, the missed reception is cancelled. At the following use of medicine there is no need to increase amount of the applied ointment.
To children medicine is appointed carefully and to less long term because at bigger than adults have areas of integuments in relation to body weight and insufficiently developed epidermis at children, absorption of bigger quantity both betamethasone, and salicylic acid, and, therefore, and emergence of the system reactions which are shown function suppression гипоталамо - pituitary and adrenal system, development of a syndrome of Cushing, a growth inhibition, lag in an increase of body weight and increase in intracranial pressure is possible.
Use of ointment under the diapers which are (especially plasticized) can lead to absorption strengthening since diapers work as an occlusive bandage.
Features of use:
In cases if at the first use of medicine hypersensitivity reactions develop (an itch, burning and reddening), it is necessary to stop its use.
It is not necessary to apply medicine on skin a century and periorbital area and to allow its hits in eyes.
Prolonged use on face skin because of possible development of a rozatse (pink eels), perioral dermatitis, an acne (eels) and atrophies of face skin is not recommended.
It is necessary to avoid use of medicine in anogenitalny area.
At use of medicine for patients with an abnormal liver function and at long therapy, especially with use of occlusive bandages, it is necessary to consider possible strengthening of absorption of active agents and manifestation of system effects of betamethasone and salicylic acid.
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. It is possible if the expected effect of therapy exceeds potential risk for a fruit, but only short-term and on small sites of skin. During breastfeeding — only according to strict indications, but it is impossible to apply drug on skin of a mammary gland before feeding.
Side effects:
Local reactions: burning, itch, folliculitis (inflammation of hair bulbs), hypopigmentation (easing of natural color of skin), atrophy, irritation, dryness and thinning of skin, hypertrichosis (plentiful growth of hair not inherent to gender and age), ugrepodobny rashes, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis; when using occlusive bandages — maceration (a softening and destruction of skin owing to long impact of liquid on it) and a skin atrophy, secondary infection, striya (the white strips on skin caused by an atrophy of skin and which are located, as a rule, on a stomach, mammary glands, hips), a heat rash.
The system reactions caused by effect of betamethasone: a growth inhibition, reversible suppression гипоталамо - pituitary and adrenal system, Cushing's syndrome, increase in intracranial pressure, a hyperglycemia and a glycosuria (increase in content of sugar in blood and emergence it in urine
The system reactions caused by effect of salicylic acid: pallor of integuments, increased fatigue, drowsiness, hyperventilation, nausea, vomiting, hearing disorder, confusion of consciousness.
Frequency and expressiveness of system side reactions depends on existence of damages or signs of an inflammation of skin, duration of use of medicine, the area of application and use of occlusive bandages.
Interaction with other medicines:
Use along with lotions of cosmetic or dermatological medicines for the purpose of therapy of acne rash, with etanolsoderzhashchy medicines for external use or with medical soap, possessing the expressed drying action, can lead to emergence of irritation of skin.
- hypersensitivity to betamethasone, salicylic acid or other components of drug;
- tuberculosis cutis;
- skin displays of syphilis;
- chicken pox;
- viral infections of skin, skin postvaccinal reactions;
- open wounds, trophic ulcers;
- rozatsea, vulgar eels;
- children's age up to 6 months.
Symptoms: when putting medicine on big sites of the affected skin during the long period (more than 3 weeks), especially when using occlusive bandages, or at prolonged use at children, strengthening of absorption of active ingredients in a system blood stream and strengthening of the system by-effects connected with effect of betamethasone (a growth inhibition, an Icenco-Cushing syndrome, high-quality increase in intracranial pressure after the end of treatment, a hyperglycemia, a glucosuria, a hypopotassemia, increase in the ABP) and salicylic acid is possible (pallor, increased fatigue, drowsiness, a hyperventilation against the background of a tachypnea, nausea, vomiting, a hearing disorder, confusion of consciousness).
Treatment: medicine cancellation. If necessary carry out symptomatic therapy.
At sharp phase-out of medicine and emergence of symptoms of cancellation of GKS (fever, a mialgiya, an arthralgia, weakness) it is necessary to conduct a course of replacement therapy of GKS for system use.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature from +8 °C to +15 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
In tubas on 12,0 g, 20,0 g and 30,0 g placed together with a leaf insert for the consumer in packs from a cardboard.