Cretinism (Inborn hypothyroidism)
- Description
- Cretinism reasons
- Cretinism symptoms
- Diagnosis
- Cretinism treatment
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Cretinism - the mental underdevelopment caused by a hypothyroidism.
Cretinism reasons:
Allocate the hereditary forms of a disease which are transferred on autosomal recessively type, and exogenous, caused by such adverse effects in the pre-natal or early post-natal period as an iodine deficiency, diseases of a thyroid gland, a hypophysis, autoimmune, infectious processes, different intoxications. Reduced intake of hormones which are produced by a thyroid gland leads to development of a craw, and then and a delay of physical and mental development.
Cretinism symptoms:
Children from early age lag behind in physical and mental development. Extent of decrease in intelligence - from insignificant mental retardation (moronity) to moderate (deficiency of intellect), and even deep (idiocy). Low growth and a disproportionate structure of a body are characteristic of patients (a strong constitution, the neck is shortened and thickened, short extremities, wide brushes, feet). Besides, are observed multiple a dysplasia, in particular the skull, a low forehead, a hollow nose bridge, a hypertelorism, the deformed ears, reinforced lips and the increased language is increased. At patients with cretinism ossification is often broken that leads to lordoses, a curvature of shins and fragility of bones. At an atrophy of a thyroid gland the myxedematous syndrome caused by accumulation in skin and a hypodermic basis of slizeobrazny substance often develops. It causes face edemas and consolidation of skin. Hypotension, bradycardia are characteristic. The gonads which are not created secondary sexual characteristics develop with a delay.

Type of the patient with a hypothyroidism to (on the right) and later (at the left) treatments
For the purpose of early diagnosis of cretinism use screening programs (a research of content of thyroid hormone), and also functional trials (define concentration of iodine in blood and urine).
Cretinism treatment:
Early use of Thyreoidinum in age dosages (from 5 to 50-75 mg a day) prevents formation of heavy defects of physical and mental development.