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Chronic radial illness

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Chronic radial illness call a disease which develops at external or internal, uniform or uneven radiation in a dose which exceeds 1 Gr and it is received for the period from 3 to 5 years.

Symptoms of the Chronic radial illness:

During a chronic radial illness three periods are allocated: formations of a disease, recovery and period of effects and outcomes of a chronic radial illness.

In process of increase in an exposure dose, and also depending on specific features of an organism extent of development of clinical manifestations can be easy (I), average (II), heavy (III) and extremely heavy (IV) which in essence are phases in development of uniform pathological process and at the continuing radiation in rather high doses consistently replace each other.

The fabrics and structures having a big reserve of rather unripe cells, intensively exchanging the cellular structure in physiological conditions (an epithelium of skin, intestines, the hemopoietic fabric, a spermatogenic epithelium) it is long keep possibilities of morphological recovery.

The developing changes in the blood circulatory system can be qualified as a syndrome of vegeto-vascular dysfunction or neurocirculatory dystonia. It is expressed to the general and regional (in a retina and vessels of a brain) by the arterial hypotension moderated by bradycardia, the prompt high reflex reply to klino-orthostatic loadings. Not the general are typical for the developed clinic of a chronic radial illness, and regional disturbances of peripheric circulation in skin, extremities, is more rare - a brain, shown in the form of headaches, extremity pains, the raised chill, the general weakness, sometimes passing neurologic symptoms. Changes of cordial activity are characterized by unsharply expressed myocardial dystrophy phenomena which are shown in complaints to an asthma and pains in heart in muting of tones and emergence of systolic noise on a top. On an ECG - a smoothness of a tooth of T and decrease in an interval of S - T.

At radiation in the range of total doses of 0,7-1,5 of Gr the minor changes taking place from a digestive tract it is long are not followed by any subjective or objective digestive disturbances. At the total exposure doses exceeding 1,5-4 Gr secretory activity of glands of an oral cavity decreases, there are focal slightly expressed atrophic processes in mucous a mouth and digestive tract, gistaminrezistentny forms of an achlorhydria become frequent.

Functional shifts from a nervous system in the preclinical stage of a disease corresponding to total level of doses about 0,15-0,7 Gr have reflex character and often are followed by involvement in response of endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

In process of increase of total doses, and also intensity of radiation can allocate three consistently developing neurologic syndromes of a chronic radial illness.

First of all the syndrome of disturbances of regulation by it-ovistseralnoy which is observed at increase of a total dose to 0,71,5 Gr means. It is characterized by asymmetric increase tendinous and decrease in cutaneous reflexes, passing vestibular frustration. Patients complain of fatigue, headaches, extremity pains, dizziness, perspiration.

(At a total dose of 1,5-4 Gr) the general hypomyotonia, disturbance of physiological distribution of a tone, easy lacks of coordination, decrease in cutaneous reflexes, disorders of sensitivity are characteristic of an asthenic syndrome (in the form of generalized reactions to spontaneous pain and pain stimulation).

The third syndrome of organic lesion of a nervous system develops at high exposure doses (over 4 Gr at the general, 10-15 Gr - at local radiation). In these cases symptoms, usual for this or that localization and the nature of pathological process (ischemia, hemorrhages, formation of a cyst, the necrotic site) are observed.

Minor changes in morphological composition of peripheral blood come to light at the persons who received maximum permissible exposure doses and exceeding them periodically by 2-3 times. They are expressed as a passing leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, a reticulocytosis. More essential changes in a gemogramma are found at radiation by the doses which are systematically exceeding by 2-5 times maximum permissible.

The sequence of development of changes in the hemopoietic system at the level of doses of 0,001-0,1 Gr in day is characterized by typical dynamics. In the period of formation of a chronic radial illness the accruing cytopenia due to reduction of number of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and later – and thrombocytes comes to light. Emergence of anemia always is an adverse predictive sign and is observed only at high total doses of intensive radiation.

At radiation in total doses from 0,15 to 1 Gr essential changes in a miyelogramma are not found, only insignificant increase in quantity of cells of a red row and reticular comes to light.

At high exposure doses (0,05-0,018 Gr a day and total 1,5-4 Gr) during formation of a chronic radial illness oppression of mitotic activity of cells of marrow with development of symptoms of his depressions can take place.

Data on a condition of the endocrine sphere at a chronic exposure are small. Development of resistant irreversible male sterility takes place only at the patients who were exposed to radiation therapy with a local dose on testicles at 30-40 Gr. At the women who were exposed to general irradiation in total doses to 4 Gr (one-time - 0,0001-0,001 Gr), noticeable shifts in time of approach of a climax, and also in quantity and the course of pregnancies, childbirth are not revealed.

At professional radiation in a thyroid gland the increased inclusion of a radioiodine without clinical signs of its dysfunction comes to light. Insignificant shifts are noted as well in activity of adrenal glands.

At weight of the I degree unsharply expressed neuroregulatory disturbances of various bodies and systems, especially cardiovascular, unstable and besides a moderate leykotsitopeniya are observed, is more rare - thrombocytopenia.

At weight of the II degree there are signs of functional insufficiency, especially digestive glands, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also a hemopoiesis depression with existence by a rack leykotsito-and thrombocytopenia, disturbance of exchange processes.

At weight of the III degree signs of deeper oppression of a hemopoiesis with development of anemia come to light, atrophic processes in mucous digestive tract, and also a myocardial dystrophy, disseminated энцефаломиелоз are found. Easing of immunity involves infectious and septic complications. The hemorrhagic syndrome, circulator frustration are observed.

At a chronic radial illness of the IV degree ponosa, the expressed exhaustion are observed. Because such displays of a disease practically do not meet now, allocation in classification of the IV (extremely heavy) degree is conditional.

Reasons of the Chronic radial illness:

This pathology forms under the influence of long impact on a human body of the ionizing radiation in doses which surpass maximum permissible for professional beam loading.

Degree of manifestation as well as time of emergence of pathological changes in the struck bodies and their systems, are caused mostly by the nature of radiation which can be as the general, and local, a total exposure dose, its type and intensity, and also physiological features of structure and function of this or that body. The chronic radial illness is characterized by duration and the wavy current caused by a combination of the progressing effects of damage to clear recovery and adaptive reactions.

Treatment of the Chronic radial illness:

Treatment of a chronic radial illness is based on the termination of contact with radiation sources.

At I and II severity of a disease fortifying and symptomatic medicamentous therapy (tonics, insulin with glucose, vitamin therapy, tranquilizers, bromine drugs, somnolent), physiotherapeutic procedures, remedial gymnastics, rational psychotherapy is carried out.

At development of infectious and septic complications antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity are used.

The special attention is deserved by a so-called radial illness from internal radiation which develops at hit of radioisotopes in an organism and has the distinctive features. On the basis of the causal principle of its formation distinguish polonium, radium, plutonium diseases. Radioactive materials can get into an organism by inhalation through respiratory tracts, through digestive tract (with food and water), and also through the skin which is especially injured.

Preferential radial illness from internal radiation represents a chronic disease though at hit during a small span of large numbers of the radioisotopes especially capable to be distributed more evenly, there can be also an acute radial illness.

Clinical manifestations of a radial illness from internal radiation consist of the general symptoms and defeat of bodies of preferential intake of radioactive materials, their deposition and removal. So, at inhalation infection damages of bronchial tubes and lungs dominate, at gastrointestinal - disorders of a digestive tract. The hemopoietic fabric is, as a rule, involved in process as the majority of radioactive materials or is rather evenly distributed in an organism, causing its general irradiation, or is laid in bones, lymphoid, histiocytic fabrics. Other substances are laid preferential in a liver, kidneys, a spleen.

For acceleration of elimination of natural and artificial radioactive isotopes from an organism the drugs Sa2+, hormones, vitamins, means, the stimulating exchange processes, complexing agents were offered. However in general the removal problem from an organism of radioisotopes still cannot be considered finally solved as when using many of the recommended means heavy complications, the most essential of which are connected with damage of kidneys, take place.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Chronic radial illness:

  • Препарат Динатон.


    Haemo static, serotonergic means.

    "Profit Pharm" Russia


  • Препарат Элеутерококка экстракт жидкий.

    Eleuterokokka extract liquid


    "Vishpha" Ukraine


  • Сайт детского здоровья