
Producer: Dialek Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
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Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=20 \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=20%27" tppabs="medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=20">Drugs for treatment of wounds and ulcers
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel for external use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 0,04 g of a diavitol on 10 g of gel.
Excipients: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, glycerin, нипагин, alcohol, the water purified.
Medicine which has protective action concerning the fabrics which are in a condition of a hypoxia and deficit of food promotes an angenesis, accelerates healing of wounds.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Medicine represents chemically and biologically standardized deproteined haemo dialyzate from blood of embryos of cows or blood of milk calfs. Only physiological substances - the low-molecular peptides, amino acids derivative of nucleic acids and other biomodulators with a molecular weight below 10000 дальтон are its part. At molecular level pharmacological active components of medicine cause increase in utilization and consumption of oxygen (increases resistance to a hypoxia), increase power metabolism and consumption of glucose. The cooperative effect of all these processes consists in strengthening of a power condition of a cell, especially in the conditions of insufficiency. At the expense of the specified action mechanisms medicine has protective action concerning the fabrics which are in a condition of a hypoxia and deficit of food promotes an angenesis, accelerates healing of wounds.
Pharmacokinetics. By means of pharmacokinetic methods it is impossible to study pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution and elimination of active ingredients) of medicine as only physiological components which usually are present at an organism are its part.
So far decrease in pharmacological effect of medicine at patients with the changed pharmacokinetics (for example is not revealed, at a liver or renal failure, age changes of metabolism, and also features of metabolism at newborns).
Local effect of medicine does not overstep the bounds of its application.
Indications to use:
- treatment of wounds and inflammations of skin and mucous (burns, including solar; cuts of skin, a graze, scratch) for strengthening of regeneration of the damaged fabric;
- treatment of ulcers of a varicose origin or other becoming wet ulcers;
- prevention and treatment of decubituses;
- prevention and treatment of reactions from skin and mucous membranes caused by influence of radiation;
- pretreatment of wound surfaces before transplantation.
Route of administration and doses:
Local drawing is carried out the glass stick which is previously processed by boiled water or 40% alcohol solution.
Medicine is imposed on a wound surface or put in the fistular courses after their preprocessing 3% solution of peroxide of hydrogen and 0,1% aqueous solution of a hlorgeksidin. It is recommended to apply medicine before emergence of granulations within 10-14 days.
For prevention of decubituses medicine is rubbed in skin in zones of the increased risk, for the purpose of prevention of emergence of radiation defeats — put with a thin layer directly after radiation therapy and in intervals between sessions.
Features of use:
Use is allowed during pregnancy and a lactation.
Side effects:
At individual intolerance of components of medicine complications in the form of an itch and reddening are possible. Patients with predisposition to an allergy in rare instances can have hypersensitivity reactions: small tortoiseshell, dermahemia, fervescence. In such cases it is necessary to stop treatment by medicine and if necessary to apply antihistamines (Suprastinum, tavegil or other) and/or glucocorticosteroids (a hydrocortisone, Prednisolonum, dexamethasone, etc.).
Interaction with other medicines:
Medicinal interaction is not established.
Hypersensitivity to components of medicine or related drugs.
Now data on overdose by medicine are not available.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 2 years. When opening banks a period of validity – 14 days. Not to use after the period of validity specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
10 g in bank together with a stick glass in packaging No. 1.
20 g in bank together with a stick glass in packaging No. 1.
30 g in bank together with a stick glass in packaging No. 1.