Prevention of decubituses
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If you look after the patient at whom decubituses can be formed, you should know about some devices intended for prevention of decubituses.
The small pillows filled with gel. These small pillows distribute pressure on the bigger surface of skin. They are convenient for the house and use in wheelchairs, and are excellent prevention at long sitting.
The mattress filled with water. The mattress filled with water evenly distributes body weight that does not allow to appear to decubituses, but it heavy and tenacious. It is possible to build similar mini-mattresses, having used for this purpose the rubber gloves or plastic packages which are partially filled with water. It is convenient to enclose them under separate body parts (for example, under heels).
Mattress with variable pressure. This mattress consists of longitudinal sections or cells, air pressure in which changes by means of the compressor. Such mattress should be covered with only freely tucked in sheet because several layers of matter reduce efficiency of a mattress. Antidecubital mattresses are excellent preventive means.
Change position of the patient. For prevention of formation of decubituses it is necessary to change position of the patient at least each 2 h. Do not lift highly a bed-head. For a short time leave the patient's knees in slightly bent situation. For removal of pressure use special devices (for example, special mattresses and small pillows).
Carefully look after skin. Provide the most careful care of skin. Maintain purity and a xeroderma, but do not use rough soap. To accelerate healing, easily mass skin around an affected area, but not over it. Rub the moisturizing lotion in skin. If the patient strongly sweats or suffers from an incontience, change linen more often.
Food. Do everything possible that the patient ate enough and drank - then he will not grow thin. It will accelerate recovery. If the patient is exhausted, feed him more often and small portions; use the high-calorific additives containing proteins. Weak patients should help to eat.

Mattress with variable pressure for prevention of decubituses

Gel pillows for prevention of decubituses