
Producer: "Vishpha" Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M02A X10
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">Drugs for topical administration at a pain syndrome at musculoskeletal system diseases
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Linimentum.
General characteristics. Structure:
Main physical and chemical properties: linimentum of white color with a characteristic smell of camphor and fir oil;
Structure: 100 g of ointment contain: active ingredients: gyurza poison 16 HONEY — 0.00176 g, salicylic acid — 1.0 g, fir oil — 3.0 g;
excipients: chloride sodium solution of 0.9 %, camphor racemic, the sunflower oil refined vaseline medical, glycerin, T-2 emulsifier, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Vipratoxum is the combined drug and its properties are caused by effect of active ingredients. In particular, thanks to camphor, drug has local irritative, analgeziruyushchy and antiinflammatory effect, and exciting sensitive nerve terminations of skin, improves a trophicity of fabrics. The conventional point of view according to which pharmacological properties of snake poisons are shown are effect of toxic polypeptides — toxins. The last are divided into three main subgroups. Toxins which it is specific concern to the first block N-holinoretseptory a subsynaptic membrane of skeletal muscles and some departments of TsNS are so-called postsynaptic neurotoxins. The second group is presented by toxins which with high degree of selectivity affect presynaptic nerve terminations and promote increase in release of mediators — so-called presynaptic neurotoxins. Polypeptides concern to the third group ( so-called kardio-and cytotoxins) which actively affect membranes of cells, including exciting, causing their depolarization - it is membranoaktivny neurotoxins. Together with specific action which directly depends on poison components the medical effect of drug is caused by reflex reactions which arise in connection with irritation of receptors, with irritation of biogenic substances which are formed at local effect of drug on fabric, with influence on immunological reactions of an organism, and also with stimulation of system a hypophysis adrenal glands. Salicylic acid at external use shows the antiseptic, irritating, distracting and keratolichesky action, promoting the best penetration of the operating components. Fir oil, thanks to high lipophilicity, easily gets through epidermis, renders irritant action on the terminations of sensory nerves both superficial vessels, and vessels of more deeply located fabrics.
Indications to use:
Rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, radiculitis, mialgiya, arthralgia and other diseases with the accompanying painful symptom.
Route of administration and doses:
Depending on the size of a surface of the painful site linimentum is put with small portions of 5-10 mg (1–2 teaspoons) and carefully rubbed in skin 1–2 times a day before disappearance of a painful symptom. The course of treatment depends on weight of a course of a disease, and also on the nature of the accompanying therapy.
Features of use:
In order to avoid emergence of side effects, it is necessary to apply a small amount of linimentum on skin for definition of individual sensitivity in advance. Not to apply on skin with manifestations of allergic reaction.
Not to allow hit of drug in eyes and on mucous membranes. At accidental hit in eyes or on mucous membranes it is necessary to wash out carefully them a large amount of flowing water.
Side effects:
Drug is, usually, well transferred, but in case of prolonged use manifestations of allergic reactions on compound drug are sometimes possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not known.
Hypersensitivity to drug components that can promote developing of an itch, hypostasis or fever. In this case it is recommended to stop use of linimentum and to wash away its remains from skin. The listed phenomena disappear after phase-out of drug and do not demand special treatment. Vipratoxum cannot be applied during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Allergic reactions (itch, dermatitis, skin peeling) can develop.
Treatment. At emergence of symptoms of an allergy to cancel drug.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature of 8-20 °C, in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity — 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 40 g in an aluminum tuba; on 1 tuba in a cardboard pack.