
Producer: "World Medicine" Great Britain ("UORLD MEDITSIN") Great Britain
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent:
% of daily requirements |
Milk of bees uterine, lyophilized |
20,0 mg |
- |
Butilgidroksitoluop | 1,0 mg | - | ||
Vitamins: |
Vitamin A | 5000 ME | 166,7 * | ||
D3 vitamin | 400 ME | 100 | ||
Vitamin C | 150,0 mg | 166,7 * | ||
Vitamin E | 100,0 mg | 667 * | ||
RR vitamin | 20,0 mg | 100 | ||
B13 vitamin | 10,0 mg | 3,33 | ||
B5 vitamin | 10,0 mg | 200 * | ||
B1 vitamin | 5,0 mg | 333,3 * | ||
B2 vitamin | 5,0 mg | 277,8 * | ||
B6 vitamin | 4,0 mg | 200 * | ||
B9 vitamin | 0,5 mg | 125 * | ||
Vitamin N | 150,0 mkg | 300 * | ||
B12 vitamin | 8,0 mkg | 266,7 * | ||
Macro - and microelements: |
Calcium | 50,0 mg | 5 | ||
Phosphorus | 38,71 mg | 4,8 | ||
Zinc | 15,0 mg | 125 * | ||
Iron | 14,0 mg | 77,8 (zh) 140 (m) * |
Potassium | 8,0 mg | 0,32 | ||
Manganese | 2,5 mg | 125 * | ||
Copper | 2,0 mg | 200 * | ||
Magnesium | 1,0 mg | 0,25 | ||
Fluorine | 0,2 mg | 5 | ||
Molybdenum | 186,0 mkg | 265,7 * | ||
Iodine | 150,0 mkg | 100 | ||
Boron | 130,0 mkg | 6,5 | ||
Chrome | 100,0 mkg | 200 * | ||
Selenium | 50,0 mkg | 90,9 (zh) 66,7 (m) |
Nickel | 4,0 mkg | - | ||
Amino acids: | ||||
L-lysine | 20,0 mg | 0,49 | ||
L-arginine | 20,0 mg | 0,33 | ||
Methionine | 74,0 mkg | 0,004 | ||
Vegetable components: |
Lecithin soy | 90,0 mg | - | ||
Oil of sprouts of wheat | 50,0 mg | - | ||
Эсктракт ginseng | 40,0 mg | - | ||
Oil safflower | 30,0 mg | - | ||
Pollen granules | 25,0 mg | - |
* - does not exceed top tolerance level of consumption
Excipients: the peanut butter, vegetable oil hydrogenated, the vegetable oil which is partially hydrogenated, white beeswax, gelatin, sorbitol, glycerin, sodium methylparahydroxybenzoate, titanium dioxide (E171), ethylvanillin, crimson, diamond blue.
Pharmacological properties:
Polywives the complex of the vitamins, mineral substances and amino acids necessary for normal functioning of an organism, and also biologically active agents which increase body resistance to infectious, including catarrhal contains, to the diseases harmful to effects of the environment and have the systemic tonic effect.
Rationally picked up combination of vitamins which actively participate in various biochemical processes has salutary versatile biological effect on an organism; mineral substances, natural chemical elements provide natural chemical balance in an organism.
Amino acids are the main construction material for synthesis of fabric proteins, enzymes, hormones and other biologically important connections.
The uterine milk contains vitamins A, With, E, groups B, amino acids, mineral snuffle calcium, iron, silicon, organic acids. Expands blood vessels, regulates arterial pressure, supports food of cells, promotes overcoming fatigue and a stress, stimulates immune system, cellular metabolism and regenerative processes. Has antiinflammatory, adaptogenny properties. Increases immunity.
Butyl hydroxytoluene possesses anti-virus action, in particular, when using against family of viruses of herpes, especially in a combination with a L-lysine and vitamin C.
Vitamin A takes part in formation of rhodopsins, provides integrity of epithelial fabrics, regulates growth of an organism.
D3 vitamin stimulates absorption from intestines of calcium, phosphates and magnesium, activates synthesis of a proteinaceous stroma of bones and adjournment of calcium in a bone tissue and dentine, interferes with a resorption of a bone tissue, promotes removal of lead from an organism.
Vitamin C plays an important role in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, provides collagen synthesis, participates in metabolism of folic acid and iron, and also in synthesis of steroid hormones and katekhopamin.
Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, provides protection of unsaturated fatty acids in membranes of cells from oxidation; takes part in formation of intercellular substance, collagenic and elastic fibers.
RR vitamin takes part in processes of tissue respiration, fatty and carbohydrate metabolism.
B13 vitamin as an intermediate product of the pirimidinovy bases participates in synthesis of nucleic acids, strengthens formation of albumine in a liver, especially in the conditions of a long hypoxia, improves regenerative functions, increases anabolism.
B5 vitamin as a component of coenzyme A plays an important role in processes of acetylation and oxidation, promotes creation and regeneration of an epithelium and an endothelium.
B1 vitamin as a coenzyme takes part in carbohydrate metabolism, functioning of a nervous system.
B2 vitamin - the catalyst of cellular respiration and visual perception, plays an important role in DNA formation, promotes processes of an angenesis (including skin cells).
B6 vitamin as a coenzyme takes part in metabolism of amino acids, proteins, and also in processes of synthesis of neurotransmitters.
B9 vitamin it is necessary for normal maturing of megaloblasts and formation of normoblasts. Stimulates an erythrogenesis, participates in synthesis of amino acids (including methionine, serine), nucleic acids, purines and pyrimidines, in sincaline exchange processes.
Vitamin H participates in fatty and carbohydrate metabolism, oxidation of pyruvic acid.
B12 vitamin together with folic acid takes part in synthesis of nucleotides, participates in formation of erythrocytes and myelin cells, is necessary for growth of an organism.
Calcium is necessary for formation of a bone tissue and teeth, provides blood coagulation processes. Phosphorus plays an important role in metabolic processes, energy balance, formation of a bone tissue, in growth processes.
Zinc promotes improvement of digestion of vitamins of group B, is important for normal development of a bone tissue, is a component of pancreatic juice, takes part in formation of a number of hormones.
Iron takes part in an erythrogenesis, as a part of hemoglobin provides oxygen transport in fabric.
Potassium participates in maintenance of intracellular osmotic pressure, in processes of carrying out nervous impulses; plays an important role in metabolism and function of muscles, including a myocardium.
Manganese exerts impact on development of a bone tissue, takes part in tissue respiration, immune responses.
Copper takes part in tissue respiration, a hemopoiesis, immune responses.
Magnesium reduces excitability of neurons and transfer of nervous impulse in muscles, as a cofactor takes part in many enzymatic reactions.
Fluorine - a component of an adamantine substance of tooth and bones.
Molybdenum participates in redoxreactions, can work as a fermental cofactor.
Iodine is necessary for synthesis of hormones of a thyroid gland.
Boron is important in formation of a bone tissue, promotes its durability, prevents development of osteoporosis. It is supposed that boron improves calcium assimilation by a bone tissue.
Chrome participates in processes of regulation of level of glucose in blood and a hormonal condition of an organism, promotes decrease in level of cholesterol in blood, interferes with accumulation of fat in organism cells.
Selenium participates in regulation of elasticity of fabrics, has the expressed antioxidant effect. Nickel is the important element which is a part of biological systems (believe that it is a part of specific metalenzymes).
L-lysine - amino acid which is necessary for growth, recovery of fabrics, production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes. Additional reception of a lysine counteracts development of exhaustion, promotes digestion of calcium and recovery of bone and connecting tissues.
L-arginine amino acid is the construction block for proteins. L-arginine provides the normal level of arterial pressure and supports health of cardiovascular system in general. It promotes vasodilatation and thus prevents development of atherosclerotic plaques. Dany amino acid is necessary for growth, recovery of fabrics, production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes.
Methionine - the irreplaceable amino acid promoting processing of fats, preventing their adjournment in a liver and on walls of arteries. Methionine has the expressed antioxidant effect as is a good source of the sulfur inactivating free radicals.
Essential phospholipids which are universal plastic material of cellular membranes are a part of lecithin. Phospholipids promote recovery of structure and functionality of cellular membranes, regulate activity of many vital processes. Lecithin improves function of a liver at chronic hepatitises, cirrhoses, food, medicinal, alcoholic and radiation damages of a liver.
Oil of sprouts of wheat (vitamin E source) promotes preservation of integrity of membranes and protects cellular structures from damage by free radicals and reactive products of peroxide oxidation of lipids. Has an antineoplastic and immunopromoting effect.
Extract of a ginseng has the broad range of pharmacological action. The complex of biologically active agents of a ginseng has a promoting effect on the central nervous system, increases intellectual and physical effeciency. Increases the natural resilience and regenerative abilities of an organism.
Oil safflower contains a significant amount of monounsaturated fatty acids which are capable to lower the level of lipoproteins of low density ("bad cholesterol"), without changing the maintenance of lipoproteins of high density ("good cholesterol") in blood.
Pollen of plants increases endurance, exerts positive impact on the immune status, improves digestion, has antimicrobic effect.
Indications to use:
It is recommended as dietary supplement to food as an additional source of vitamins, macro - and microelements, amino acids, vegetable components and other biologically active agents.
Route of administration and doses:
For intake.
To accept on 1 capsule a day or every other day after a breakfast. The recommended course 2-3 weeks.
Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Features of use:
There are no data.
Side effects:
There are no data.
Interaction with other medicines:
Are not revealed.
- hypersensitivity to product components;
- age up to 12 years;
- pregnancy and period of a lactation.
It is not recommended to accept a product with other polyvitaminic and mineral complexes.
Data on overdose are not provided.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature of 15-25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Capsules weighing 1,25 g.
On 6 capsules in a blister strip packaging.
On the 2nd blister strip packagings in a cardboard pack.