
Producer: "World Medicine" Great Britain ("UORLD MEDITSIN") Great Britain
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
The tablet, coated, contains:
Active agents: |
% of daily requirement | |
Vitamins |
Vitamin C (in the form of ascorbate sodium) | 45 mg | 50 |
RR vitamin (niacinamide) | 13,5 mg | 67,5 |
Vitamin E (in a form DL - acetate a-tocopherol) | 10 mg | 66,7 |
B5 vitamin (in the form of pantothenate calcium) | 4,5 mg | 90 |
B6 vitamin (in the form of a hydrochloride pyridoxine) | 1,5 mg | 75 |
B1 vitamin (in the form of hydrochloride thiamin) | 1,1 mg | 73,3 |
B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) | 0,8 mg | 44,4 |
Vitamin A (in the form of acetate Retinolum) | 400 mkg | 44,4 |
B9 vitamin (folic acid) | 200 mkg | 50 |
Vitamin N (biotin) | 75 mkg | 150 * |
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) | 5 mkg | 50 |
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) | 1,5 mkg | 50 |
Macro-and microelements |
Calcium (in the form of carbonate calcium) | 160 mg | 16 |
Magnesium (in the form of oxide magnesium) | 45 mg | 11,3 |
Iron (in the form of iron of a fumarat) | 13,5mg | 75 |
Zinc (in the form of oxide zinc) | 7,5 mg | 62,5 |
Manganese (in the form of sulfate manganese) | 0,90 mg | 45 |
Copper (in the form of sulfate copper) | 0,45 mg | 45 |
Iodine (in the form of iodide potassium) | 100 mkg | 66,7 |
Molybdenum (in the form of molybdate sodium) | 22,5 mkg | 32,1 |
Selenium (in the form of selenit sodium) | 20 mkg | 36,4 |
Chrome (in the form of chloride chrome) | 12,5 mkg | 25 |
cellulose microcrystallic, magnesium stearate, коллидон K25, кросповидон, a gipromelloza, the fractioned coconut oil, maltodextrin, a polydextrose, talc.
* - does not exceed top tolerance level of consumption.
Pharmacological properties:
Vitamin A participates in oxidation-reduction processes, protein synthesis regulation, promotes a normal metabolism, function of cellular and subcellular membranes; it is necessary for growth of new cells, slows down aging process.
B1 vitamin promotes growth and development of an organism, increases intellectual and physical effeciency, has detoksikatsionny effect, and also improves metabolism of nervous tissue. Thiamin participates in creation of coenzymes of a number of the enzymes playing an important role in carbohydrate and energy balance, especially in nervous and muscular tissue. The lack of thiamin leads to development of syndromes of beriberi (a specific polyneuritis) and Vernike (polinevrichesky psychosis).
B2 vitamin is the most important catalyst of processes of cellular respiration and visual perception. Riboflavinum, regulating oxidation-reduction processes, takes part in protein, fatty and carbohydrate metabolism, plays an important role in DNA formation, participates in hemoglobin synthesis, promotes processes of an angenesis (including skin cells), corrections of trophic disturbances in cells.
B5 vitamin is a part of a coenzyme And (the organic compound of the nonprotein nature necessary for manifestation of activity of enzymes). Plays an important role in processes of acetylation and oxidation. Participates in carbohydrate and a lipometabolism and in synthesis of acetylcholine.
B6 vitamin increases intellectual and physical effeciency, regulates glucose level in blood, normalizes work of a thyroid gland, adrenal glands and gonads, improves a metabolism in brain tissues, strengthens a nervous system, is antidepressant.
B9 vitamin is necessary for the normal course of processes of growth, development of proliferation of fabrics, in particular, for a hemopoiesis and an embryogenesis, increases intellectual and physical effeciency, stimulates production of hydrochloric acid in a stomach.
B12 vitamin possesses immunomodulatory, antiallergic, anti-atherosclerotic action, recovers structure of nervous tissue, improves reproductive function, increases appetite, participates in synthesis of various amino acids, exerts beneficial effect on functions of a liver, a nervous system, activates blood coagulation processes, exchange of carbohydrates and lipids.
Vitamin C has powerful recovery properties, in particular, recovers enzymes which neutralize environment toxics. It is necessary for collagen synthesis (one of structural components of walls of vessels, sinews, sheaves and bones), for transformation of cholesterol into bile acids which serve for digestion of fats, and also strengthen a peristaltics.
D3 vitamin increases absorption of calcium in a small intestine, stimulating synthesis calcium - the connecting proteins, raises a calcium reabsorption in renal tubules, activates processes of remodeling of a bone tissue by increase in synthesis of collagen I of type and proteins of a matrix, by means of activation of synthesis of osteoblasts. Influences a functional state thyroid, parathyroid, gonads, provides calcification of bones of a skeleton.
Vitamin E is antioxidant substance which protects cells from damage and aging, interferes with education of free radicals, stimulates muscle performance and function of gonads. Participates in formation of intercellular substance, fibers of connecting fabric, smooth muscles of vessels, a digestive tract.
RR vitamin is a part of the enzymes participating in cellular respiration and exchange of the proteins regulating higher nervous activity and functions of digestive organs.
Vitamin N is a part of the enzymes regulating exchange of amino acids and fatty acids.
Calcium makes a basis of a bone tissue, stirs up activity of a number of the major enzymes, participates in maintenance of ionic balance in an organism, influences the processes happening in neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems.
Magnesium controls protein and carbohydrate metabolism, has vasodilating properties (removes spasms), improves bile secretion, and also reduces nervousness. Participates in synthesis of DNA and RNA, improves a metabolism in a vascular wall. Magnesium helps digestion of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins of the B, S, E group, functioning of nerves and muscles, blood sugar transformation into energy.
Iron - the microelement stimulating an erythrogenesis. Is a part of hemoglobin, a myoglobin, various enzymes; reversibly connects oxygen and participates in a number of redoxreactions; plays an important role in the course of a hemopoiesis. At use of iron in the form of salts there is a bystry completion of its deficit in an organism.
Zinc serves as a component more than 80 enzymes in a human body, it is necessary for formation of erythrocytes and other uniform elements of blood. Participates in photochemical reactions of process of sight, in activity of hemadens.
Manganese is necessary for normal metabolism of fat, for creation of bones and connecting fabrics, for synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides (DNA).
Copper promotes anabolic processes in an organism, participates in functioning of some enzymes (cytochrome oxydase, a tyrosinase and others), synthesis of pigments of skin, a hair and an eye, hemoglobin, influences functions of hemadens.
Iodine plays an important role in formation of hormone of a thyroid gland - thyroxine. Hormones of a thyroid gland regulate power processes of an organism - formation of heat, growth and development.
Molybdenum stimulates a metabolism, promotes metabolism of iron in a liver and is considered necessary by a cofactor in a number of the enzymatic reactions passing in an organism. Accelerates metabolism and removal from an organism of uric acid.
Selenium slows down aging processes, strengthens immunity. Is natural antioxidant - protects cells from cancer. Promotes digestion of vitamin E.
Chrome controls processing of sugars and other carbohydrates, insulin exchange.
Indications to use:
It is recommended as dietary supplement to food as an additional source of vitamins, macro - and microelements.
Route of administration and doses:
Emfetal accept inside 2 tablets a day during food. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Features of use:
There are no data.
Side effects:
There are no data.
Interaction with other medicines:
Are not revealed.
Hypersensitivity to product components.
Data on overdose are not provided.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets, coated, weighing 850 mg. On 15 tablets in the blister. 4 blisters in a cardboard box.