Фемибион® Natalker II

Producer: Merck Selbstmedikation (Merck Zelbstmedikatsion) Germany
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent:
финастерид 5 mg
excipients: lactose — 86,75 mg; MKTs (Ultra-102) — 12 mg; sodium carboxymethylstarch (type A) — 6 mg; starch corn prezhelatinizirovanny — 12 mg; sodium docusate — 2,5 mg; magnesium stearate — 0,75 mg
the cover is film: a gipromelloza (15 cps) — 2,4 mg; propylene glycol — 0,4 mg; titanium dioxide — 0,8 mg; talc — 0,4 mg
Structure of the tablet Quantity in 1 tablet of % of daily requirement
women of reproductive age
Vitamin C / Ascorbic 110 mg 120
acid (in the form of calcium
PP vitamin / Niacinamide of 15 mg 75
Vitamin E (in shape
acetate α-tocopherol) 13 mg 87
B5 vitamin / Pantothenic
acid (in the form of pantothenate calcium) 6 mg 120
Vitamin B6 / Pyridoxine (in shape
hydrochloride pyridoxine) 1,9 mg 95
B2 vitamin / Riboflavinum of 1,6 mg 89
Vitamin B1 / Thiamin (in the form of thiamin
nitrate) 1,2 mg 80
Folates: 400 mkg 100
• folic acid of 200 mkg
• L-methylfolate of 200 mkg
(200 mkg of folic acid are equivalent)
Iodine of 150 mkg 100
Biotin of 60 mkg 120
B12 vitamin / Cyanocobalamine of 3,5 mkg 117
Auxiliary components: microcrystallic cellulose, gidroksipropilmetiltsellyuloza, maltodextrin, hydroxypropyl cellulose, corn starch, titanium dioxide, magnesian salts of fatty acids, glycerin, iron oxide.
Pharmacological properties:
Urgent problem of food of pregnant women is sufficient contents in food of vitamins and mineral substances (nutrients). The impossibility of ensuring necessary level of nutrients at pregnant women at the expense of food is conventional. Therefore during pregnancy of the woman need correction of the nutriyentny status due to regular reception of a complex of vitamins and minerals.
Folic acid – the vital vitamin for future and nursing mothers. The conducted researches show positive influence of folic acid (a synthetic form of folates) and natural food folates on the course of pregnancy and normal development of the child (as pre-natal, and after his birth). With food we receive, as a rule, the insufficient amount of folates which is not providing daily need of the woman of childbearing age, and at pregnant women the need for folates is increased. Therefore additional reception of folic acid during this period is very important. In an organism folic acid turns into biologically active form. Medical data demonstrate that the organism of every second woman cannot transfer folic acid to its active form completely.
Метафолин® is an easily acquired biologically active form of folates. Thanks to it метафолин is more available to an organism and it is better acquired, than folic acid. Фемибион® Natalker I contains folic acid and Metafolin for ensuring necessary level of folates in an organism of the pregnant woman, even at those women who cannot transform completely and then acquire folic acid. Vitamins and iodine are necessary for normal development of the child, in addition to folic acid. Therefore it is very important to fill the increased need for these nutrients during pregnancy.
Femibion Natalker I contains 9 vital vitamins and iodine.
It is known,
B1 vitamin is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism and power supply;
B2 vitamin is necessary for energy balance;
B6 vitamin is necessary for protein metabolism;
B12 vitamin is necessary for a hemopoiesis and a healthy nervous system;
vitamin C participates in an obrazovaniiiya of connecting fabric. In addition it improves protective properties of an organism, and promotes digestion of iron;
vitamin E protects organism cells from, so-called, free radicals;
biotin is important for healthy skin;
pantothenate participates in process of a metabolism;
niacinamide supports protective function of skin;
iodine is the vital microelement necessary for growth and functioning of a thyroid gland.
Indications to use:
It is intended for the women planning pregnancy and pregnant women until the end of the 12th week.
Route of administration and doses:
Femibion it is recommended to Rnatalker I to accept from the moment of pregnancy planning.
To the women planning pregnancy and pregnant women until the end of the 12th week about one tablet in day is recommended to accept, washing down with a small amount of liquid.
Features of use:
Not to exceed the recommended dose. Dietary supplements should not be used as substitute of the full-fledged balanced diet.
Individual intolerance of components.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity: 24 months. To store in the place, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Dietary supplement to food. Is not medicine. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets, coated, weighing 609 mg. 1 blister contains 30 tablets, coated.