
Producer: Zentiva (Zentiva) Czech Republic
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G04CB01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Each tablet, coated, contains 5 mg of a finasterid in quality of active agent.
Excipients: lactoses monohydrate, starch corn, povidone 30, carboxymethylstarch of sodium, sodium docusate, magnesium stearate, gipromelloza 2910/5, macrogoal 6000, talc, titanium dioxide, emulsion of a dimetikon of SE2, ferrous oxide yellow.
Light yellow biconvex tablets, film coated.
Pharmacological properties:
Finasterid - synthetic 4-azasteroid connection, competitive and specific inhibitor a steroid 5 alpha of reductase - a desmoenzyme which turns testosterone into an active androgen 5 dihydrotestosterone (DGT). Growth of tissue of prostate gland and development of a benign hyperplasia are caused by transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone in prostate cells. Under the influence of drug there is a considerable decrease in concentration of a digidrosteron both in a blood plasma, and in gland fabric. Finasterid does not contact androgenic receptors.
Use of drug is resulted by reduction of the sizes of a prostate, expressiveness of the symptoms connected with a prostate hyperplasia decreases. Drug does not exert impact on concentration of lipids of plasma, and also contents in a blood plasma of cortisol, oestradiol, prolactin, thyritropic hormone, thyroxine.
Pharmacokinetics. Absorption and distribution: after administration of drug inside финастерид it is quickly absorbed from digestive tract. Bioavailability makes about 80% and does not depend on meal. The maximum concentration in plasma is reached in 1-2 hours after administration of drug inside. Communication with proteins of plasma makes about 90%.
Metabolism and removal: финастерид it is metabolized by a liver and removed in the form of metabolites with urine and a stake. The drug elimination half-life at patients is more senior than 60 years makes 6 hours, at patients 70 years are more senior it can to be extended till 8 o'clock.
Indications to use:
Benign hyperplasia of a prostate (for reduction of the sizes of a prostate, increase in the maximum speed of outflow of urine and reduction of the symptoms connected with a hyperplasia, decrease in risk of emergence of an acute ischuria and the probability of surgical intervention connected with it).
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, on 5 mg of 1 times a day, irrespective of meal. Therapy duration to assessment of its efficiency has to be not less than 6 months. Approximately at 50% of patients disappearance of clinical symptoms happened at treatment within 12 months.
Features of use:
Prior to treatment it is necessary to exclude diseases which can simulate a benign hyperplasia of a prostate, such as infectious prostatitis, a prostate cancer, an urethra stricture, hypotonia of a bladder and a number of the changes from an urinary system arising at some diseases of a nervous system.
As at use of a finasterid decrease in prostatspetsifichesky antigen is observed (for 41% and 48% respectively by 6 and 12 months from the beginning of therapy), periodically in the course of therapy it is necessary to conduct examination of patients for an exception of a prostate cancer at them.
Women of childbearing age and pregnant women should avoid contact with the crushed drug PENESTERUM tablets since ability of drug to suppress transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone can cause disturbance of development of generative organs in a male fruit. Tablets of PENESTERUM are covered with a film cover and at the normal treatment of them if they are not ground in powder or integrity is not broken them, the contact with active agent is excluded.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, gynecomastia, morbidity of chest glands, impotence, decrease in a libido and reduction of volume of an ejaculate. Frequency of side effects does not exceed 3 - 4% and decreases in the course of treatment. In some cases increase in concentration of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones and testosterone approximately for 10% was noted, however these indicators remained within normal amounts.
Interaction with other medicines:
Clinically significant interaction with other drugs is not revealed.
Hypersensitivity to a finasterid and other components of drug, a prostate cancer, obstruction of urinary tract, children's age.
With care - an abnormal liver function.
Now about cases of overdose of the drug PENESTERUM it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
List B. Does not demand special storage conditions. To store in the place, unavailable to children. PERIOD OF VALIDITY 3 years. Not to apply after the period of validity specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets, coated, on 5 mg. On 10 or 15 tablets in the blister from PVH/PVDH/AI. On 3 blisters (10 tablets) or on 2 blisters (on 15 tablets) are placed in a cardboard pack together with the application instruction.