
Producer: JSC Biolik Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A13A
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">All-tonic drugs
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Balm.
General characteristics. Structure:
Acting substances: aqueous-alcoholic extract from 9 medicinal plants (a rhizome of an acorus reed — 0,325 g, leaves of watch trifoliate — 0,065 g, a grass of a yarrow ordinary — 0,432 g, bark of an oak ordinary — 0,0325 g, fruits of fennel odorous — 0,185 g, rhizomes with roots of a levzea (bolshegolovnik) — 0,03 mg, flowers of a linden serdtselistny — 0,3775 g, peppermint leaves — 0,135 g, a grass of a wormwood bitter — 0,065 g).
Pharmacological properties:
Balm Vigor contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, carotene, organic acids, lactones, phytoncides. Drug possesses adaptogenny, antistress, anti-toxic, antiinflammatory action, improves intellectual and physical effeciency, contributes to digestion, normalization of functions warmly - vascular system Increases resistance of an organism to various Endo - and ekzotoksichny factors, a hypoxia, activates ретикуло - endothelial system, has a certain immunocorrective effect and antiallergenic properties. Does not make negative impact on vitals and systems. Pharmacological properties of balm are caused by action of the components which are its part.
Indications to use:
Physical and emotional overworks, stresses, astenovegetativny syndrome (increased fatigue, decrease in working capacity, neurasthenia, sleep disorders); as a part of complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tracts; the reconvalescence period after serious infectious diseases. As prophylactic to the persons working in the conditions of influence of chemical, beam and thermal factors and for the purpose of immunity improvement.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is appointed inside on 20-30 ml by 2-3 times a day during food. The course of treatment of 7-14 days, if necessary can be prolonged up to 30 days. The repeated course is possible after a break of administration of drug within 5-7 days
Features of use:
Drug is appointed to persons whose operator activity requires special attention. Due to the content of sugar with care appoint a sick diabetes mellitus.
Side effects:
At individual intolerance of components of drug allergic reactions are possible. Changes from skin and hypodermic cellulose: skin rashes, erubescence, itch, hypostasis, urticaria. In such cases drug is cancelled. Frustration from digestive tract: nausea, vomiting. Neurologic frustration are possible at prolonged use of balm in the doses exceeding recommended: increase in arterial pressure, headache, development of dependence on alcohol.
Interaction with other medicines:
Purpose of balm with drugs of the main pharmakoterapevtichesky groups is possible.
Hypersensitivity to drug components; acute and chronic poisonings with various chemicals, severe forms of coronary heart disease and essential hypertensia; heavy disturbances of functions of a liver and kidneys; epilepsy; alcoholism; period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast; children's age.
About cases of overdose of drug there are no messages.
Storage conditions:
To store in protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at the room temperature. A period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe