
Producer: LLC NTFF POLISANG Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A05BA
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Acting components: succinic acid - 5,280 g; N-metilglyukamina (meglumina) - 8,725 g; inosine (inosine) - 2,0 g; methionine - 0,75 g; niacinamide - 0,25 g. Excipients: chloride sodium - 6,0 g; chloride potassium - 0,30 g; chloride magnesium (in terms of anhydrous) – 0,12 g; hydroxide sodium – 1,788 g; waters for injections to 1,0 l. Description: transparent colourless liquid with a slight characteristic smell. Pharmakoterapevtichesky group: metabolic meansPharmacological properties:
Remaksol - the balanced infusion solution possessing hepatoprotective action. Under the influence of drug transition of anaerobic processes to aerobic accelerates, power providing hepatocytes improves, synthesis of makroerg increases, resistance of membranes of hepatocytes to peroxide oxidation of lipids increases, activity of enzymes of antioxidant protection is recovered. Remaksol reduces a cytolysis that is shown in decrease in indicator enzymes: aspartate aminotransferases, alaninaminotranspherases. Remaksol promotes decrease in bilirubin and its fractions, improves excretion of direct bilirubin in bile. Reduces activity of excretory enzymes of hepatocytes - an alkaline phosphatase and gamma глютамилтранспептидазы, promotes oxidation of cholesterol in bile acids.Indications to use:
Abnormal liver functions owing to acute or its chronic damage (toxic, alcoholic, medicinal hepatitises). In complex treatment of a viral hepatitis (in addition to causal treatment).Route of administration and doses:
Remaksol enter only intravenously kapelno in a daily dose from 400 ml to 800 ml within 3-12 days depending on disease severity. Rate of administering of 40 - 60 drops (2-3 ml) in a minute.Side effects:
At bystry administration of solution emergence of the undesirable reactions (a hyperemia of integuments of various degree of manifestation, feeling of heat, irritation in a throat, dryness in a mouth) which are not demanding drug withdrawal is possible. Allergic reactions in the form of allergic rash and a skin itch which are eliminated with use of antihistaminic drugs are possible. Treat rare undesirable reactions emergence of nausea, headache and dizziness. In view of activation by drug of aerobic processes in an organism decrease in concentration of glucose and increase in content of uric acid in blood is possible.Interaction with other medicines:
Mixing rolled into one with other medicines for intravenous administration is not recommended.Contraindications:
Individual intolerance of components of drug, pregnancy, lactation period, children's age.Overdose:
Data on overdose of drug are absent.Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature from 0 to 25 ºС. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years. Not to apply after the period of validity specified on packaging.Issue conditions:
According to the recipe