Nocturia call frustration of an urination which is expressed in allocation of the most part of daily amount of urine at night. At the healthy person the day diuresis has to exceed night approximately by two-three times. Change of their ratio is option of physiological norm only at children up to two years, in other cases it has pathological character.
Nocturia reasons:
Diseases of kidneys, bladder and other bodies of urinogenital system become the reason of increase in a night diuresis. Besides, it can be provoked by prostate adenoma, cirrhosis, anemia and pathologies of cardiovascular system – a hypertension, heart failure. In the latter case there is a release of the liquid which is saved up in fabrics in the afternoon as at this time heart experiences the smallest strain at night.
The following diseases of kidneys and bladder can become the reason of a nocturia:
- cystitis,
- tsistopiyelit,
- chronic pyelonephritis,
- intersticial nephrite,
- nephrosclerosis,
- acute and chronic glomerulonephritis.
Nocturia symptoms:
The nocturia is an indicator of oppression of the concentration function of kidneys arising at various morbid conditions and also demonstrates decrease in the return absorption of water in renal tubules owing to development of not diabetes mellitus. However in most cases the raised night diuresis is caused by disturbance of blood supply of kidneys as a result of diseases of cardiovascular system or renal pathologies. In some cases it is observed at obsolescence of hypostases, including at treatment of a nephrotic syndrome.
At heart failure the raised night diuresis has compensatory character. At the expense of it the organism tries to liquidate effects of an oligouriya which takes place in the afternoon as heart does not cope with loading, blood supply of kidneys worsens, and process of formation of urine is naturally slowed down. It allows to recover water-salt balance during the night. However at further development of heart failure of the specified time becomes insufficiently for normalization of renal blood circulation and the patient notes formation of stable hypostases. For the prevention of progressing of a disease it is necessary to address the cardiologist and to undergo the corresponding treatment.
At advanced age the raised night diuresis can testify to atherosclerosis of renal arteries. The daily amount of the emitted urine remains within norm. If it increases, then say about a combination of two types of dysuric frustration – nocturias and polyurias that it testifies in favor of existence of a renal failure. The raised night diuresis should be distinguished from the speeded-up urination – a pollakiuria, and also from an urine incontience which quite often take place at elderly men at prostate adenoma. Test across Zimnitsky allows to find a nocturia. It provides collecting all urine emitted for day and night. For this purpose days are divided into eight three-hour intervals, during each of which the patient urinates in separate capacity.
By means of Zimnitsky's test it is possible to investigate ability of kidneys to concentration and cultivation of urine, and also to reveal changes of a daily urine. With its help estimate dynamics of a nocturia on which nature it is possible to judge effectiveness of the carried-out treatment. If this symptom disappears, and other symptoms of a heart or renal failure become more expressed, then it speaks about progressing of a disease and demands correction of a medical course. The increased night diuresis promotes a sleep disorder and very negatively affects the general quality of life. For its elimination it is necessary to cure a basic disease.
Treatment of a nocturia:
Treatment of a nocturia consists in therapy of a basic disease.