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Labor pain relief



Childbirth is followed by pain of various degree of manifestation. Each woman perceives this pain differently, depending on a psychological spirit on childbirth and a threshold of painful sensitivity.

Very important from the very beginning of pregnancy to begin psychological preparation for childbirth, to be adjusted on a happy end. The doctor who observes your pregnancy, of course only if between you full mutual understanding can give big help in it. It is ideal when the same doctor conducts also childbirth. During pregnancy you become members of one team, and will enjoy at the time of delivery strong psychological support.

Types of anesthesia

It is most often applied:
Promedolum (narcotic вещесто which is entered intravenously or intramusculary)
epidural anesthesia (the anesthetizing substance is entered into space before the firm meninx surrounding a spinal cord)

Whether anesthesia influences the child?

Promedolum in that dose which is used for a labor pain relief does not exert an adverse effect on a fruit. However, the child can have a sleep together with mother.

Epidural anesthesia is considered extremely necessary for careful conducting childbirth, it does childbirth by less traumatic for a fruit as the main obstacle which is met by a fruit head at advance the neck of uterus, considerably is softened and opens quicker.

That it is better: Promedolum or epidural anesthesia

It depends on many circumstances which only the doctor can estimate.

But it must be kept in mind that Promedolum can be entered only once therefore it is better to enter it when strong contractions and a neck of uterus well opened as its action continues 1-1,5 hours. Completely Promedolum does not kill pain, but considerably reduces sharpness of pain, it is in a different way perceived.

And when carrying out epidural anesthesia pain is killed completely, anesthesia can be added through a thin catheter in process of strengthening of pain.

Epidural anesthesia is done by only very experienced anesthesiologists who are perfectly knowing this technique therefore such complication as wound of a spinal cord, is almost excluded. Rare, but meeting, a complication is the headache after the delivery which passes soon.

Эпидуральное обезболивание родов

Epidural labor pain relief

The used drugs:

  • Препарат Акупан.


    Analgeziruyushchy central acting agent.

    Biocodex (Биокодекс) France

  • Препарат Но-Х-ша таб.0,04 №30.

    No-H-sha tab.0,04 No.

    The means influencing the alimentary system and metabolic processes.

    CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine

  • Препарат Маркаин.


    Mestnoanesteziruyushchy means.

    AstraZeneca (Astrazenek) Sweden

  • Препарат Буторфанола тартрат.

    Butorfanola tartrate

    Narcotic analgetics. Opioids derivative of morphine.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Налбуфин Серб, р-р д/ин 20мг/2мл №5.

    Nalbufin Serbian, solution for infection 20mg/2ml No.

    Analgetics and antipyretics.

    LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine

  • Сайт детского здоровья