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The tracheostoma is an open opening in a neck. By means of surgical intervention the ostomy - pass through a neck to a trachea (respiratory tracts) where the tracheostoma is established forms.
The breath mechanism about tracheostomies - at a tracheostomy - breath of the patient changes. If the ordinary healthy person inhales in natural ways - a nose, or a mouth, then at a tracheostomy - "breath" occurs much below - at the level of a neck, through an opening of a tracheostomy tube (cannula). The principle and the purpose of operation on performance of a tracheostoma - to provide an alternative way of breath of the patient if breath in natural ways (a nose, or a mouth) is impossible. The reasons for which operation on imposing of a tracheostomy is carried out - can be various. The uniform diagnosis for all patients with a tracheostomy does not exist.
In general, the trakheostomiya is carried out to those patients who have a breath through a nose or a mouth it is impossible in connection with pathologies of upper respiratory tracts (a nose, a nasopharynx, an epiglottis, a throat, a part of a trachea), or to the patients who are on the prolonged IVL (the tracheostomy facilitates the mechanism of maintenance of the patient on IVL in the long period). Also, the tracheostomy can be carried out to patients with various diseases of lungs and neyromuskulyarny diseases. In more detail about indications to a tracheostomy read in section ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ.Трахеостома demands daily leaving which includes sanitation a tracheostoma, processing of area of skin around an ostomy, and change of tracheostomy cannulas. In more detail about care of a tracheostoma at the child in house conditions read in the section LEAVING.
The tracheostoma can be temporary, and maybe a constant. The forecast in each case is strictly individual, and depends only on the following factors: the diagnosis of the child (the reason for which executed operation on imposing of a tracheostoma), age of the child, and the general state of health of the kid (other chronic diseases).
