Stomach biopsy
- Description
- Indications to a stomach biopsy
- Contraindications to a stomach biopsy
- Technology of carrying out biopsy of a stomach
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The stomach biopsy, or gastrobiopsiya is the research of structure of cells of the changed fabrics of body for statement of the exact diagnosis assuming a fence of small fragments of a mucous membrane and their subsequent microscopic analysis.
The biopsy of a stomach happens search (blind) and aim. Blind it is carried out by means of the special biopsionny probe, at the same time the intake of contents is carried out without direct vision.
The visual biopsy is carried out by means of the special device – the gastroscope. It represents a long tube in which lighting and optical systems (endoscope) are built in, equipped with the microtool for capture on the analysis of parts of the struck fabrics (kelectomes, a special knife, loops or the electromagnetic involving devices).
Use of the gastroscope allows to take away precisely on the analysis of a particle of a mucous membrane of a stomach from certain sites of a gastric wall.
Indications to a stomach biopsy:
The Biopsichesky research is appointed at insufficient informational content of other methods of a research of a stomach (endoscopy and a X-ray analysis) for differentiation of diseases of various nature, but with similar results of inspection and also as the most important method of identification and diagnosis of oncological diseases of body.
The biopsy is shown at:
- existence of tumoral processes in a stomach (definition of an oncopathology, identification of precancerous states);
- acute and chronic gastritises;
- ulcer processes in a stomach (for difference of ulcer defect from oncology);
- injuries of a mucous membrane for the purpose of their removal (resection);
- dyspepsia (digestive disturbances) for definition of existence (absence) of helikobakteriya;
- after surgeries for assessment of a condition of a gastric wall.

The biopsy of a stomach can be executed during gastroscopy
Contraindications to a stomach biopsy:
Contraindications to carrying out a biopsy of a stomach are:
- depressed cases;
- diseases of cardiovascular system;
- hemorrhagic diathesis;
- inflammatory processes of a throat, throat and upper respiratory tracts;
- acute infectious diseases at the patient;
- general serious condition of the patient;
- esophageal stenosis;
- perforation (disturbance of integrity of walls) of a stomach;
- corrosive burns of a stomach;
- mental diseases.
Technology of carrying out biopsy of a stomach:
The biopsy is carried out permanently or in the conditions of policlinic. In the beginning existence or lack of contraindications at the patient comes to light, X-ray inspection of a stomach is conducted. For preparation for a gastrobiopsiya of the patient has to abstain within 10-15 hours from food – the procedure is possible only on an empty stomach. The patient holds a prone position on the left side with a direct back. If necessary it is given sedative (soothing) means. The throat, a throat and an upper part of the gullet investigated are processed by local anesthetic, then through a special plastic mouthpiece the endoscope equipped with the device for department of parts of fabric mucous is entered into a throat of the patient. Investigated ask to make the deglutitory movement, and the device, having passed through a gullet, gets into a stomach
Tube of the modern gastroscope so thin, and devices for capture of a biopsy tiny that their proglatyvaniye does not cause in most of patients of difficulties
The research is conducted by the doctor – the endoscopist. Under direct vision (the image is displayed) it takes material in the planned parts of a gastric wall. The patient at the same time does not feel painful feelings. Such department of parts of a mucous membrane is frequent it is made step by step in several departments of a stomach for obtaining more detailed information on degree and morphology of pathological processes.
The procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
After its termination the device is carefully taken and rekomedut to the patient some more minutes to lie down and not to eat food within one and a half hours, and then to abstain from acute, salty and hot.
As as a complication after the research the concealed internal hemorrhages are possible, after the procedure to the patient administer the drugs containing coagulants, or the haemo statics promoting improvement of coagulability of blood.
If within 48 hours after the research deterioration in health, sharp temperature increase, vomiting with blood traces are observed, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.
At the arisen insignificant bleedings, to the patient the bed rest, administration of drugs for decrease in bleeding, in the beginning a hungry, then sparing diet is appointed to 2 - 3 days.
However similar complications happen extremely seldom, most of patients after the procedure do not note any deterioration in health.
Not aim capture of particles mucous on the analysis by means of the probe is carried out similarly, only samples of material are taken "blindly". Such method is usually less informative and is in practice used less often.
Results of inspection will be ready in 2-4 days.
The received material accurately is taken, plunges into preservative and goes to laboratory for microscopic research which will be conducted by the doctor-morphologist or patologanaty. The taken parts immerse in paraffin, subject to hardware cutting, and cuts investigate under a microscope. Besides, particles of material subject to special coloring. In the course of the research under a microscope define whether there are among cells mucous atypical and malignant (cancer) cells and what their nature, draw conclusions about extent of defeat of body, need and volume of surgical intervention.