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The gastrostomy is the artificially created opening in a front abdominal wall and a stomach for creation of a possibility of food of the patient through this anastomosis. Operation on an establishment of gastric fistula is called a gastrostomy.
For the first time such operation was executed at the person in 1849 by the French surgeon Sedillo concerning narrowing tumor gullet gleam. Since then is one of the main indications.
Operation is necessary at:
the impassability of a gullet caused by various reasons (a tumor, cicatricial narrowing and some other pathologies);
impassability of the esophageal and gastric valve (cardia) caused by the same reasons or because of a resistant spasm;
disturbances (or impossibility) swallowing at tumors and some other damages of the central nervous system;
and also:
at full inborn impassability of a gullet (as a preliminary stage before an esophagoplasty);
at tracheosesophageal and a bronchial tube – esophageal fistulas (as a temporary stage before treatment of fistulas);
gullet wounds (too, as preliminary stage);
at some other diseases and states.
The gastrostomy is imposed both temporary (more often), and a constant (more rare).
Since the first operation of her technician underwent many changes. In the beginning edges of a section of a stomach just hemmed to edges of a section of a front abdominal wall that led to various complications. The rubber tube fixed on a body was entered into an opening; it has to was be constantly there.
Now create the channel with the valve of a wall of a stomach that does not give the chance to stream to gastric contents outside. The rubber tubule (catheter) is entered only into feeding time. Besides, if there is no esophageal stenosis, operation can be performed endoscopic.
The gastroscope is entered into a stomach. In a point of a projection of the end of the gastroscope on skin of a stomach the cut of 3 mm becomes. The special hollow tool – a trocar which punctures a front abdominal wall and a stomach is entered into this cut. Then, by means of a number of techniques, in this economical opening the thin plastic gastrostomy is established.
Feed the patient with a gastrostomy through a funnel. From 100 to 400 g of liquid or semi-fluid food enter 4-5 times a day. The modern gastrostomy does not demand difficult leaving. After feeding carry out a toilet around an ostomy.
The gastrostomy is a compulsory measure on providing the patient with necessary food when the natural way is impossible.
