Cholagogue means
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All cholagogue drugs are subdivided into 2 groups: 1) strengthening bilification cells of a hepatic parenchyma and 2) promoting advance of bile on zhelchevydelitelny ways and its allocation to intestines.
The medicines stimulating a bile production are called choleretics. Carry the drugs increasing biliary secretion and stimulating formation of bile acids (true choleretics) to them; among them: a) the containing bile acids - дехолин, Chologonum, Allocholum, Cholenzymum; b) synthetic drugs - Nicodinum, оксафенамид; c) drugs of a plant origin - flowers of an immortelle sandy, a thorough-wax, a dogrose; Flaminum, Cholosasum, etc. Strengthen biliary secretion at the expense of a water component sodium salicylate, mineral waters.
Among the drugs stimulating a zhelchevydeleniye allocate the funds causing increase in a tone of bilious ways (holekinetika) - cholecystokinin, magnesium sulfate, Pituitrinum P, drugs of a barberry ordinary; the egg yolks and drugs causing relaxation of a tone of bilious ways (holespazmolitika): sulfate of an atropy, Platyphyllinum hydrotartrate, belladonna extract, Euphyllinum, Methacinum.
Many of cholagogue possess the mixed action.

Bile-excreting system of a liver